Logitech Trackman
On Thursday 13 March 2003 03:02 pm, Nigel Ridley wrote:
Does anyone know if the Logitech Cordless Optical Trackman works ok
under Linux - especially with The Gimp (I can't afford a tablet :-()?
I'm not sure how many buttons it has - looks like about 6 or 7.
How does one drag and drop (ie. moving a graphic around inside a
graphic) using
a trackball - does the *lock* button work, or does one have to
struggle holding the *left* button down whilst moving the trackball?
Nigel Ridley
I think you will find the trackball works just fine under Linux. I have
used the Logitech Optical trackball before without problems, although
it was not the cordless model. The mice work ok, so should the
One thing I am not sure about though. You may not like the trackball
for drawing and such. It is kinda cumbersome to use for such things in
my experience. The mouse works better for drawing and of course, the
tablet the best, if you can afford one.
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