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Tutorial: Generate a cool tech pattern

Written by · Created on Jul 07, 2007, last updated over 14 years ago CC BY-NC License


Someone often needs a cool pattern that can be used for a forum signature, a banner, a wallpaper or something else. This simple technique shows you how to make such "tech" pattern.

Tutorial details

  1. 1

    File / New: 500×300px. You can just work on the background layer. The color is irrelevant for this. Filter / Render / Coulds / Plasma. Choose any values.

  2. 2

    Filter / Blur / Pixelize: X:10 | Y:10

  3. 3

    Filter / Map / Bumpmap and enter the values of image below:

  4. 4

    You should get something like this:

  5. 5

    Next apply: Filter / Edge-Detect / Edges:

    Amount: 2

  6. 6

    You can of course apply Colors / Brightness & Contrast to get some personal fine tuning. And also consider Filter / Enhance / Sharpen which looks cool too if you sharpen the image a bit.

    Below you see 3 different versions of this and how it could look like!


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about 13 years ago

easy steps with fast results .. thanks a lot bro

about 14 years ago

Thanks for the great tutorial! The end result looks nice and has many applications.

over 15 years ago

The Edge Detect screwed mine up, so I used Filters< Laplace

over 16 years ago

Nice and quick. thanks!

halozmatt member for over 17 years halozmatt 7 comments
almost 17 years ago

May i ask to put this on GimpDome?

almost 17 years ago

6 weeks is a while btw if yu don't write down what you do^^

almost 17 years ago

It's been a while since I created this one, so I don't remember every step. But if you follow this, you should create something like it.

1) create a b/w Text layer (b text)(ca 1000x500)
2) create a clouds layer, set blend mode to lighten
3)merge layers
4)pixelize ( ca 12,text should still be readable)
5) blur ( 3px)
6)detect edges (roberts)
7)rescale image ( 2000x1000)
8) duplicate layer
9)set top layer blend mode to screen
10)pixelize 5 px (top layer)
11)blur 1 px (top )
12) detect edges (sobel)(top) layer
13) merge layers, add colors and scale down again

i hope this helps, perhaps you can figure out on your own how to improve it.

Lord Eimer

almost 17 years ago

LordEimer: OH GOD! how to do that? :)

almost 17 years ago

also works great as a text effect

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
almost 17 years ago

that looks pretty cool, i really like it ;)) thanks for posting this

almost 17 years ago

if you pixelize the result again with
a smaller pixel-size, blur again, detect egdges again and overlay this with the first result you can get something like this

halozmatt member for over 17 years halozmatt 7 comments
over 17 years ago

eh...thank you very much, i'm actually EXTREMELY new to 'the gimp' but eh, in 3 days just searching on gimpusers and gimp-tutorials, you so much knowledge that it's actually educational, and the reason i've been doing it so much is because, internet has like been relly slow so i can't play halo lol...anyways thanks, friends ^.^?

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 17 years ago

nice combination of thiose two tutorials ;)

halozmatt member for over 17 years halozmatt 7 comments
over 17 years ago

teh ownage i made one for a friend with same as mine, but then i undid it all and did the inverse of color balances ^_^

halozmatt member for over 17 years halozmatt 7 comments
over 17 years ago

that's awesome....

halozmatt member for over 17 years halozmatt 7 comments
over 17 years ago

that's pretty cool.
here's my results hehe.

over 17 years ago

great job love this tutorial, it really helps ^_^ thnx

weirdpeople member for over 17 years weirdpeople 1 comment
over 17 years ago

nice thats a great tutorial and easy too :-)