Unable to seek to tile location?
Hi all,
I have to problems with the gimp at the moment. I'll put the second in
another message as its a little more complicated to explain.
I'm working with large images, 14764 by 2953 pixels. Yes they do need to be
this big. The machine used for the work has 1GB of RAM and a 1.9GHz Athlon
processor. The number of undo levels in the gimp is set to three. Tile cache
size is set to 512MB. Typical projects have two or three layers at any one
time. After a while working I get the following gimp error messages after I
tell it to do something. This message repeats often many times. The message
box has an OK check.
"unable to seek to tile location on disk: 22
Message repeated ** times"
The command I've given gets carried out and nothing appears obviously wrong
with the image after this message comes up.
Watching the resource usage by the gimp shows that memory usage is a little
over 50% when this message starts to occur. Is this a ram problem, a hard
disk one, or something else?
I've been unable to find anything about this message in the documentation, or
from a web search. Any idea what it means? The best way of preventing it?