----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Myers"
Cc: "Kevin Myers"
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 4:30 AM
Subject: Enhanced tiffset
I've just developed an enhanced version of the tiffset tool that is
with libtiff. This version provides the ability to change the values of
many more tags and tag types. The new version is named tiffset2, and both
Win 32 executable and the source code is attached.
The primary reason that I developed this was to provide a fast and easy
to change the x and y resolution metadata values in TIFF image headers.
This allows one to effectively change the physical image dimensions
changing the number of pixels, for example. I needed to do this to work
around a bug in the GIMP v1.2.4 which seems to affect images greater than
about 187.5 feet in any dimension (yes, my images are that long!).
I started from version 1.2 of tiffset, and did a fair amount of re-work to
support the additional tags and types. However, it is quite obvious that
much more could still be done. Additionally, I am NOT an expert C
by any stretch of the imagination. So, any comments, suggestions, and
corrections would be appreciated and well received.
I'm not familiar with using CVS to check modifications in and out, so I
haven't made any attempt to upload this new version to any central code
repository. Perhaps someone else would consider doing that...?
Meanwhile, I hope this may prove useful to some of you out there. If so,
then perhaps this new version could be included with a future release of
libtiff tools.
P.S. - This utility uses and requires libtiff, in case that wasn't already
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