More FAQ answers
Thus spoke Steve Crane
Here are a few ideas for questions for the new FAQ.
1. Can I use brushes from other software such as Photo Shop or Paint
Shop Pro with the GIMP?
Not that I'm aware of. I know you can't drop those brush files into GIMP's
brush directories and have them "just work." If a file plug-in exists that
can read those brush files then you will be able to read them in and then
save them into GIMP's native brush file format. But I don't know of any
brush file plug-ins for other application's brushes.
2. How can I ensure that certain of the GIMP's windows, for instance
the Levels or Crop and Resize Information windows, always open in
the same position on screen?
In short, you probably can't. You *might* be able to do so if
1. the developers gave each window a special name of its own and
2. your window manager allows you to save position information about those
specially named windows.
If #1 is true (and I don't know that it is), then in Sawfish (which is
commonly used as the GNOME window manager) you can click on the title bar
of a window (I think it's a right button click) to get a menu. At the
bottom of that menu you have the option of choosing History information to
be saved, such as position and geometry of a window. Select "Save
position". That *might* work. But no promises. Other window managers may
offer similar features, but many do not. Caveat gimper.