Use imagemagick. I threw together a script a while back that puts for
images on a page with a white border around the images. As a matter of
fact, it's not that long, I'll post it, for folks to use/hack up and
make better. I called it 42apage and you call it as follows:
42apage image1.jpg image2.jpg image3.jpg image4.jpg
Note, it will work with other image formats, but it will be converting
the images to jpg. It creates two directories (group and done). The
images must be the same size, so a 'portrait' and 'landscape' image will
not be placed together. Puts the new combined images into the 'group'
directory and the processed images into the 'done' directory. Be aware,
it uses $RANDOM, thus there is a small possibility you'll trash a
created image, but the original images are saved, so if you do, you can
'try again.'
It's not pretty and it's not flexible, but maybe someone can use it/make
it better. Here it tis:
set $*
mkdir group
mkdir done
print adding border to $1
convert -bordercolor white -border 10x10 $1 $1
print adding border to $2
convert -bordercolor white -border 10x10 $2 $2
print adding border to $3
convert -bordercolor white -border 10x10 $3 $3
print adding border to $4
convert -bordercolor white -border 10x10 $4 $4
print append first pair
convert -append $1 $2 group/tmp1
print append second pair
convert -append $3 $4 group/tmp2
print combine all four
mv $1 $2 $3 $4 done
convert +append group/tmp1 group/tmp2 group/${fn}.jpg
#END SCRIPT wrote:
I'm new to this list.
I take pictures with my 4.1 megapixel camera producing in HQ images of
2272x1704 pixels.
Fitting 2 or 4 of pictures in a single gimp picture under linux (to be
printed on a sheet of A4 glossy paper) is somewhat time-consuming.
Is there any plug-in or the likes able to ease that tedious work?
(As far as programming languages are concerned, I have some experience
with perl)
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