What have you done with Custom Brushes?
The few times I have used custom brushes were for creating textures for the game BZFlag.
I modeled a pine tree and used a custom brush I made for the pine-needles on the tree. I
also did the same thing for a palm tree I created. For me, most of the time, the default
Gimp brushes are more than sufficient.
The only other custom brushes I have fiddled around with were some experiments in using
GAP to make image pipe brushes. I made one that followed the movement of the mouse and
rotated the brush to approximate the direction the mouse was moving in as you brushed. I
also made one in 2.2 that simulated "jitter" before 2.4 came out.
--- "Jürgen Hubert" wrote:
Here's something I am curious: What have you done with custom brushes?
I don't mean the technical details on how to create them - I know most of the details
(and can probably figure out the parts I don't know). Rather, I am wondering what you
have used custom brushes _for_. In what kind of situations have you felt that the
"standard brushes" of GIMP were insufficient? What kinds of effects have you created
when painting with custom brushes? And how often do you use such brushes?
- Jürgen Hubert
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Gallery: http://jhubert.deviantart.com/