New view and layer masks
Em 2007/09/25, às 07:56, Asif Lodhi escreveu:
On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 11:29 +0500, Asif Lodhi wrote:
Though I don't exactly know your situation and don't even have
Gimp in
front of me right now but don't you think you could use the Quick
for checking the results of a mask editing operation?
Despite the name, Quick Mask doesn't have anything to do with layer
masks. Quick mask is a just quick way to convert the selection to a
channel and back.
I suggested Quick Mask to Victor because he mentioned he wanted to
"see" the layer mask and image at the same time because, IIRC, I
*did* use Quick Mask (at least two years ago!) to create a very
accurate masking effect because I wanted accuracy and could see the
image while masking at the same time. I have started using Gimp after
a long time and I recall now that Quick Mask has nothing to do with
the Layer Mask. It just didn't occur to me when I replied to Victor.
Thanks & best regards,
I have been watching a videotutorial about PhotoShop and that's when
this question has occurred to me. It could be usefull sometimes if we
could watch the layer mask in a window and the global effect in the
whole image/composition, in another window... It seems that it is not
possible, for now. That's ok. I'll keep loving GIMP just as before ;)
Victor Domingos
(GIMPing from a sunny Portugal)