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Tutorial: Introduction to PythonFu objects, iterating layers and a simple plug-in to globally set a font! (HD-VIDEO)

Written by · Created on Mar 12, 2012, last updated about 13 years ago CC BY-NC License


Kota Weaver brings you another video tutorial which covers the basics of PythonFu objects/classes and how to iterate through layers using a "for each" loop to process layers all at once. He also shows you how to modify fonts of these layers automatically. Watch in 1080p!

Tutorial details


  1. 1

    In this tutorial, Kota Weaver covers the basics of:

    • PythonFu objects and classes
    • PythonFu shell (Filters → Python-Fu → Console)
    • Iterating through layers with a for each look
    • Creating a plugin that globally sets a font of your choice to layers.

    Please download the python plugin attached to this step. The according XCF template is found in the links above step 1: “Download GIMP workspace”.


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This topic (Introduction to PythonFu objects, iterating layers and a simple plug-in to globally set a font! (HD-VIDEO)) has been rated 5.0/5.0.

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VinceDovy member for almost 13 years VinceDovy 1 comment rated this topic with 5/5
almost 13 years ago

Thanks for the tutorial. Just getting started with 2.8.0-RC1 and PythonFu.

Cuban-Pete member for about 14 years Cuban-Pete 8 comments rated this topic with 5/5
almost 13 years ago

Nice tutorial! Thank you. I can't wait for the next one. :)