DNG Plugin for Gimp
On Mon, 2006-07-31 at 10:04 +0200, Philipp Drechsler wrote:
does somebody know, if there is a plan to develop a DNG Plugin to open DNGs in
Gimp? Or is there still one existing?
Strangely, Adobe's website lists GIMP as supporting DNG (read-only):
AFAIK there isn't _any_ specific support for it. It should be possible
to hack something based on the TIFF plug-in, as DNG is based on TIFF.
TIFF/EP actually. In fact that's why the TIFF plug-in opens the
thumbnail image in the DNG file.
"Therefore, if the full-resolution image is stored using compression,
the TIFF/EP file should include a thumbnail image stored in the 0th IFD
that is readable by a baseline TIFF 6.0 reader. This thumbnail should
not be compressed, and should be stored in strips, rather than in tiles,
in order to be fully compatible with TIFF 6.0. A SubIFDs tag in the 0th
IFD is used to point to the compressed full-resolution image. If the
full-resolution image is stored uncompressed as a baseline-readable TIFF
image, the full-resolution image could be stored in the 0th IFD.
However, TIFF/EP recommends that a thumbnail image be stored in the 0th
IFD, regardless of whether the full-resolution image is baseline TIFF
readable or not. This provides a version of the image that is small
(relative to the full-resolution image) and that may be quickly accessed
by reader software."