Tiling a picture
On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 01:48:55PM +0200, chryssos@dpem.tuc.gr wrote:
I would like to make a poster out of a picture, but not in one piece. I have
many small frames hanging on a wall and I would like to place one part of the
original image in each frame, in such a way that when all the frames are placed
side by side the original picture would appear.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could split an image into an
arbitrary number of pieces, specifying at the same time the size of those
the guillotine plug-in splits an image along guides that the user puts
into place. if your question is about resizing, i think that would be a
separate step.
one of the problems with the guillotine plug-in is that all it does is
split the image into many images. it does not save the pieces.
gimp-perl and gimp-python each have an image slicer that slices the
image, saves the pieces and writes some flavor of html or another.
it is easier to answer the simple interpretation of your question. if
this has failed, please expand your explanation some (even though the
answer will probably be "no, not yet").