What about the Foundation idea? - Was Re: Cpu usage and speed
This is fair play.
It is a known fact that the map tools in the GIMP have no optimization
for previewing, and they should have.
The way out of this would do some hackish direct drawing to perform
the preview on a scaled down/chopped version of the layer - which I
suggested about 2 years ago, or, implement everything clean, with a
model of "operate on view-version of drawables and then operate in
background on real drawables" using GEGL.
The GIMP either starts making use of GEGL - for which we are
ultimately lacking developer resources, or lag behind other apps in
this area.
The fact is it would be really nice to have someone to work full time
in these issues. Last year, we decided not to hasle about a Gimp
Foundation and work close to Gnome Foundation instead. What are the
odds of Gnome Foundation be able to afford someone to work full time
on the GIMP? Or maybe Mark Shuttleworth? Or some other Linux Distro?
In time, I am in no way complaining of what Jay, Sven, Mitch, Bill
and others are doing...sometimes I am just amazed with the changes
that go overnight on CVS. It is just that there seens to be more work
than can be done in the spare time of anyone. Even Sven's excellent
plan to categorize gradients, paletts, fonts and brushes seens to be
in limbo.
On Friday 25 February 2005 23:10, Carol Spears wrote:
On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 10:54:42AM +0100, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
Carol Spears wrote:
On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 10:30:12AM +0100, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
I try to install photoshop on win and it work very well with
these images and bigger images.
how about some numbers showing that windows/photoshop work
On the same machine with photoshop, a preview of a "curves" tool
spend only 4-5 seconds, but when press the OK button, it spend
about the same time of gimp.
I think that photoshop don't create a real preview, like gimp,
but for a user that make a lot of changes (and preview) whit a
single tool, for view if the changes are right, the photoshop
solution is better. Try to think is a user want to make 5-6 tries
to find that seem better, he must wait 50-80 seconds every time
(50*5 = 250), while with photoshop only 4-5 seconds! (5*5 = 25)
well, then play fair.
turn the previews off and see how fast gimp seems.