Tutorial: Create a mystic chaos Voodoo-Pattern

Of course we make a new file first. I take a size of 1000×400px, its the double size of a regular signature. (I do this for a better look, you can make it smaller later of course) Background-color: White
Filter / Artistic / Cubism. Look at the values of the picture.
Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur: 2px.
Now the picture is little blurred. Do Filter / Edge-Detect / Edge… now and take these values. You can play around and take what you want.
We’re almost done now ;) But the picture looks boring without color. You can colorize it by your own. I took these values (Colors / Colorize):
Optionally you can duplicate the layer and set the layers mode (fint it at top of the layers dialog , above all layers) to “Addition”. The pattern looks much more saturated then (see left side of the image below, the original is to the right).
Done ;) Have fun with this kind of background!
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