Incoming Msg
I'm afraid that you are inadequately informed. Just as with many other
users of public lists and newgroups, if you are receiving virus emails with
my address, it is because my address is in another user's address book whose
machine has been infected with a virus, and is sending out emails with
spoofed source addresses, including mine.
I do realize that you have good intentions, and appreciate the polite tone
of your note. However, my computers are *NOT* infected, and I'd appreciate
it if you would do a little more research regarding these viruses and how
they work before spreading such false rumors to a public list. If you had
done more homework, you would have found that these viruses *never* send out
email using the *actual* address of the host machine they are running on.
Instead, they always use spoofed addresses from the host machine's address
book, who in this case is probably another reader of the gimp-user list.
Furthermore, if you look at the email headers on the messages that you are
refering to, you will probably find that they do not come from an IP address
on my ISP's domain. If you want to track the source of these emails down,
then you might try contacting the ISP for the originating IP address.
However, since the source IP address can also be easily spoofed, that may
also be a wild goose chase.
----- Original Message ---