Erasing with every Drawing tool
On 11/24/2010 03:01 PM, hannes61 wrote:
11/24/2010 12:13 PM keltezéssel, hannes61 írta:
Wouldn't it be great if every tool could be used as an
Using the Airbrush in one color and removing something
with it by choosing transparency.
This has the effect that the eraser has the same
properties as the chosen tool.
For example the softness of airbrush. The effect of
I would like to have something like that. :-)
Actually, this is possible. Change Mode to Color erase. If you have an
alpha channel on the layer, it will erase to transparency.
Best regards,
This is not the same.
This removes the color i had selected.
If you use black and set the mode to color erase.
Black is removed but all white parts stay.
This is very cool, but does not work as the eraser,
which does not differ on which color i selected.
It could give a mode erase. That's what i miss.
Wouldn't that be merely applying the tool to the layer mask?
Sorry, i don't understand your question. :(
It would behave as a transparent area in the image
or in the mask, depending where the drawing tool has been used.
And yes, sometimes it would replace the use of a mask.
But maybe your are right, this is not needed, cause
it could be done by using a mask.
Black is delete or painting and white the opposite.