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text on circle-path, change direction

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text on circle-path, change direction martinz 16 Aug 20:37
  text on circle-path, change direction Dick Smith 16 Aug 23:02
  text on circle-path, change direction Kevin Cozens 17 Aug 00:20
  text on circle-path, change direction Kevin Cozens 17 Aug 00:21
   text on circle-path, change direction martinz 17 Aug 08:12
    text on circle-path, change direction Kevin Cozens 17 Aug 16:41
     text on circle-path, change direction martinz 18 Aug 07:37
2010-08-16 20:37:04 UTC (over 14 years ago)

text on circle-path, change direction

hi @ all!

I have a little question about text on a path.

If I make a circle and put a text on its path, then the head of the letters will point outside the circles center.

How can I make the letters of the text point to the middle of the circle/path??

thx for help!
best regards,

Dick Smith
2010-08-16 23:02:41 UTC (over 14 years ago)

text on circle-path, change direction

Are you saying you want to have the text on the inside of the circle with it heads up, inside the circle heads down or outside the circle heads down?


On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 2:37 PM, martinz wrote:

hi @ all!

I have a little question about text on a path.

If I make a circle and put a text on its path, then the head of the letters will point outside the circles center.

How can I make the letters of the text point to the middle of the circle/path??

thx for help!
best regards,

martinz (via

Kevin Cozens
2010-08-17 00:20:56 UTC (over 14 years ago)

text on circle-path, change direction

martinz wrote:

How can I make the letters of the text point to the middle of the circle/path??

Change the sign of the fill angle to change the direction the letters will appear around the circle as well as whether they point towards the center of the circle or away from the center.

Kevin Cozens
2010-08-17 00:21:33 UTC (over 14 years ago)

text on circle-path, change direction

martinz wrote:

How can I make the letters of the text point to the middle of the circle/path??

Change the sign of the fill angle to change the direction the letters will appear around the circle as well as whether they point towards the center of the circle or away from the center.

2010-08-17 08:12:23 UTC (over 14 years ago)

text on circle-path, change direction

martinz wrote:

How can I make the letters of the text point to the middle of the circle/path??

Change the sign of the fill angle to change the direction the letters will appear around the circle as well as whether they point towards the center of the circle or away from the center.

hi kevin!

you idea seems to be very good. but I cant find this fill angle control (I am pretty new to gimp). please give me a quick advise.

I have the path and then I type in a text. In the text menu I can change -font, -size,
-orientation (left, right, block, center) - hinting, auto, ...
- distance bitween letters, lines and space of 1st line - button to apply text to path (which I use!)

nothing more. so where can I change the fill angle? I also tried to make a text and mirror it vertically or horizontally. but then it seems to be not text anymore and I cant klick the "apply to path" button.

... thx for help!

p.s. sorry if my button/menu-ids are not the same than yours. I use the german version of gimp and just translated the meaning.

Kevin Cozens
2010-08-17 16:41:56 UTC (over 14 years ago)

text on circle-path, change direction

martinz wrote:

but I cant find this fill angle control (I am pretty new to gimp). please give me a quick advise.

I have the path and then I type in a text. In the text menu I can change -font, -size,
-orientation (left, right, block, center) - hinting, auto, ...
- distance bitween letters, lines and space of 1st line - button to apply text to path (which I use!)

I think you are looking at the wrong script when you listed the parameters.

The Text Circle script (Text im Kreis …) has 7 parameters. The one to change is the fourth parameter (which is the third number) called Fill Angle (Füllwinkel).

2010-08-18 07:37:40 UTC (over 14 years ago)

text on circle-path, change direction

martinz wrote:

but I cant find this fill angle control (I am pretty new to gimp). please give me a quick advise.

I have the path and then I type in a text. In the text menu I can change -font, -size,
-orientation (left, right, block, center) - hinting, auto, ...
- distance bitween letters, lines and space of 1st line - button to apply text to path (which I use!)

I think you are looking at the wrong script when you listed the parameters.

The Text Circle script (Text im Kreis ...) has 7 parameters. The one to change is the fourth parameter (which is the third number) called Fill Angle (F"ullwinkel).

ahhhh. got it!
I used not the script but the path/text tool from the main tool-window.

thanks a lot!!