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but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6?

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fbdee7391992.48e5eafa@broad... Kristin Falck 03 Oct 09:50
  but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6? Tobias Jakobs 03 Oct 09:56
  but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6? Martin Nordholts 03 Oct 09:56
   but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6? Jan Snyder 03 Oct 11:01
    but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6? Martin Nordholts 03 Oct 11:09
     but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6? Jan Snyder 04 Oct 04:11
      but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6? Gimpster 23 Oct 19:26
       but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6? Sven Neumann 23 Oct 21:52
        but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6? Gimpster 24 Oct 22:48
    but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6? Sven Neumann 03 Oct 14:16
Tobias Jakobs
2008-10-03 09:56:12 UTC (over 16 years ago)

but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6?

Am Freitag, den 03.10.2008, 09:50 +0200 schrieb Kristin Falck:

I'm confused with the new version 2.6. confused with one of the main release notes:
"... and ensuring that the Toolbox and Docks always are above image windows..."
- but they aren't staying above!
What am I missing? (I'm a Gimp on windows-user)

This doesn't work with Windows. So the only think you can do is fix it in the source code, switch to Linux or just wait.

Regards, Tobias

Martin Nordholts
2008-10-03 09:56:17 UTC (over 16 years ago)

but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6?

Kristin Falck wrote:

I'm confused with the new version 2.6. confused with one of the main release notes:
"... and ensuring that the Toolbox and Docks always are above image windows..."
- but they aren't staying above!
What am I missing? (I'm a Gimp on windows-user)


You should have read the release notes more carefully. From 'Known Problems':

"The Utility window hint is currently only known to work well in the GNOME desktop environment. "

In order for this to work on Windows somebody have to fix the Windows backend of GTK+.


Jan Snyder
2008-10-03 11:01:18 UTC (over 16 years ago)

but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6?

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 3:56 AM, Martin Nordholts wrote:

Kristin Falck wrote:

I'm confused with the new version 2.6. confused with one of the main release notes:
"... and ensuring that the Toolbox and Docks always are above image windows..."
- but they aren't staying above!
What am I missing? (I'm a Gimp on windows-user)



You should have read the release notes more carefully. From 'Known Problems':

"The Utility window hint is currently only known to work well in the GNOME desktop environment. "

In order for this to work on Windows somebody have to fix the Windows backend of GTK+.


Martin Nordholts
2008-10-03 11:09:00 UTC (over 16 years ago)

but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6?

Jan Snyder wrote:

It's strange. All the developmental releases had toolbox always on top. I use Linux and now it is not on top. The only way I could get it on top is to right0click on the titlebar and select always on top, but then it's literally on top of every window, firefox for instance. Is there some way to enable on top. It's a bit early for me in the morning. Perhaps I am missing something. What happened to that wonderful on top toolbox from the Developmental releases?

You say "I use Linux now [...]". Did you use something else when it worked?

In any case, what GIMP 2.6 has done is simply to change the default in

Edit -> Preferences -> Window Management


Hint for the toolbox Hint for other docks

to 'Utility window' instead of 'Normal'. This change in defaults was made possible with the introduction of the Empty Image Window. Perhaps when it worked you had those set set to 'Keep above' ?

BR, Martin

Sven Neumann
2008-10-03 14:16:30 UTC (over 16 years ago)

but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6?


On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 05:01 -0400, Jan Snyder wrote:

It's strange. All the developmental releases had toolbox always on top. I use Linux and now it is not on top.

I guess that you enabled the experimental 'transient-docks' feature at some point, see

As this setting has several issues as soon as more than one image window is being used, the UI for it is not included in stable releases. You can still enable it by manually editing your gimprc file though.


Jan Snyder
2008-10-04 04:11:52 UTC (over 16 years ago)

but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6?

Nope, I have never used GIMP on Windows! I only said "now" randomly. I think I was just letting know what OS I was using so no one had to ask. So originally in the developmental releases, the developers just had it checked in gnome to be always on top, and the ontop feature wasn't something intrinsic in the new GIMP? That's weir because when I used the developmental, I seem it remember it being more dynamic, like the toolbox would always be ontop of GIMP canvas, bu other windows like firefox would go over the toolbox. This setting in Edit -> Preferences -> Window Management seems to just make the toolbox an "uber-window". Maybe I should go back to the developmental release, or am I not remembering it properly?

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 5:09 AM, Martin Nordholts wrote:

Jan Snyder wrote:

It's strange. All the developmental releases had toolbox always on top. I use Linux and now it is not on top. The only way I could get it on top is to right0click on the titlebar and select always on top, but then it's literally on top of every window, firefox for instance. Is there some way to enable on top. It's a bit early for me in the morning. Perhaps I am missing something. What happened to that wonderful on top toolbox from the Developmental releases?

You say "I use Linux now [...]". Did you use something else when it worked?

In any case, what GIMP 2.6 has done is simply to change the default in

Edit -> Preferences -> Window Management


Hint for the toolbox Hint for other docks

to 'Utility window' instead of 'Normal'. This change in defaults was made possible with the introduction of the Empty Image Window. Perhaps when it worked you had those set set to 'Keep above' ?

BR, Martin

2008-10-23 19:26:56 UTC (over 16 years ago)

but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6?


I was very dismayed when I first tried GIMP 2.6 and found the toolbox and dock always on top of my image window. It meant I had to have a smaller image window so I could see the whole image. In earlier versions, I was used to having my mouse set to "activate and raise" whatever window it was over. That way I could switch from toolbox to image window with a flick of the mouse. I could keep the toolbox, image window, and dock large and easy to see, yet instantly available. It took a while to get used to the new way, when I originally swithched from Photoshop to GIMP. Now I would never go back to the old ways!

It didn't help that I did not know what "Hint for toolbox/ for docks" meant. Not knowing, I didn't try changing them.

Thanks for explaining how to get 2.6 to behave the way (I think) it should!

--- Gimpster ---

Nope, I have never used GIMP on Windows! I only said "now" randomly. I think I was just letting know what OS I was using so no one had to ask. So originally in the developmental releases, the developers just had it checked in gnome to be always on top, and the ontop feature wasn't something intrinsic in the new GIMP? That's weir because when I used the developmental, I seem it remember it being more dynamic, like the toolbox would always be ontop of GIMP canvas, bu other windows like firefox would go over the toolbox. This setting in Edit -> Preferences -> Window Management seems to just make the toolbox an "uber-window". Maybe I should go back to the developmental release, or am I not remembering it properly?

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 5:09 AM, Martin Nordholts wrote:

Jan Snyder wrote:

It's strange. All the developmental releases had toolbox always on top. I use Linux and now it is not on top. The only way I could get it on top is to right0click on the titlebar and select always on top, but then it's literally on top of every window, firefox for instance. Is there some way to enable on top. It's a bit early for me in the morning. Perhaps I am missing something. What happened to that wonderful on top toolbox from the Developmental releases?

You say "I use Linux now [...]". Did you use something else when it


In any case, what GIMP 2.6 has done is simply to change the default in

Edit -> Preferences -> Window Management


Hint for the toolbox Hint for other docks

to 'Utility window' instead of 'Normal'. This change in defaults was made possible with the introduction of the Empty Image Window. Perhaps when it worked you had those set set to 'Keep above' ?

BR, Martin

Sven Neumann
2008-10-23 21:52:46 UTC (over 16 years ago)

but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6?


On Thu, 2008-10-23 at 19:26 +0200, Sterling wrote:


I was very dismayed when I first tried GIMP 2.6 and found the toolbox and dock always on top of my image window. It meant I had to have a smaller image window so I could see the whole image. In earlier versions, I was used to having my mouse set to "activate and raise" whatever window it was over. That way I could switch from toolbox to image window with a flick of the mouse. I could keep the toolbox, image window, and dock large and easy to see, yet instantly available. It took a while to get used to the new way, when I originally swithched from Photoshop to GIMP. Now I would never go back to the old ways!

It didn't help that I did not know what "Hint for toolbox/ for docks" meant. Not knowing, I didn't try changing them.

Thanks for explaining how to get 2.6 to behave the way (I think) it should!

You can set the window hints to "Normal" in the Window Management section in the Preferences dialog to get the old behavior. Or you can learn to use the Tab key to hide/unhide the dock windows when you need them.


2008-10-24 22:48:58 UTC (over 16 years ago)

but toolbox and dock do NOT stay above imagewindow in ver2.6?

Thanks Sven...
I got so set in my ways that I completely forgot about using the Tab key. I have to agree that technique works extremely well, also.

--- Gimpster ---

Sven wrote:

You can set the window hints to "Normal" in the Window Management section in the Preferences dialog to get the old behavior. Or you can learn to use the Tab key to hide/unhide the dock windows when you need them.
