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Exporting Vectors to a SVG file

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Exporting Vectors to a SVG file Lionel Tarazon Alcocer 15 Nov 18:27
  Exporting Vectors to a SVG file Joao S. O. Bueno 16 Nov 16:43
Exporting Vectors to a SVG file Carlo Baldassi 15 Nov 19:10
Exporting Vectors to a SVG file William Skaggs 15 Nov 19:14
Exporting Vectors to a SVG file William Skaggs 15 Nov 19:16
Exporting Vectors to a SVG file Lionel Tarazon Alcocer 15 Nov 20:29
Lionel Tarazon Alcocer
2007-11-15 18:27:30 UTC (over 17 years ago)

Exporting Vectors to a SVG file

I am developing a plug-in which makes use of SVG files to store Gimp Vectors. The Import functionality is quite straight-on due to the gimp_vectors_import_from_file(), but I haven't found a function which works the other way around.

Is there a function which exports paths/vectors to a SVG file or string?

Given that this is quite straight-on at the GIMP GUI (right-button over a path, Export Path), I was wondering if I had missed it at the API.


Carlo Baldassi
2007-11-15 19:10:21 UTC (over 17 years ago)

Exporting Vectors to a SVG file


I am developing a plug-in which makes use of SVG files to store Gimp


The Import functionality is quite straight-on due to the gimp_vectors_import_from_file(), but I haven't found a function which

works the

other way around.

Is there a function which exports paths/vectors to a SVG file or


Maybe these ones ?


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William Skaggs
2007-11-15 19:14:55 UTC (over 17 years ago)

Exporting Vectors to a SVG file

From: Lionel Tarazon Alcocer

Is there a function which exports paths/vectors to a SVG file or string?

No, but it would be easy to add, since the functionality exists in the core. If you need this, probably the best thing to do, to start with, is to file an enhancement request, using Bugzilla. Assuming there isn't any problem, it shouldn't take more than a few days to get this done -- the main issue will probably be to make sure to get the right name and API for the functions.

-- Bill

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William Skaggs
2007-11-15 19:16:45 UTC (over 17 years ago)

Exporting Vectors to a SVG file

Maybe these ones ?

Those functions are only available from within the GIMP program itself, not from plug-ins.

-- Bill

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Sent via the CNPRC Email system at

Lionel Tarazon Alcocer
2007-11-15 20:29:27 UTC (over 17 years ago)

Exporting Vectors to a SVG file

Maybe these ones ?

Those functions are only available from within the GIMP program itself, not from plug-ins.

That's what I thought. Just to make sure, it's the same for all "Gimp Application" functions at the API: none can be used to develop plug-ins, isn't it?

If you need this, probably the best thing to do, to start with, is to file an enhancement request, using Bugzilla.

done: It's my first one, sorry If I didn't cope with bug-report-standards, I did my best.

Assuming there isn't any problem, it shouldn't take more than a few days to get this done

That would be great!

Joao S. O. Bueno
2007-11-16 16:43:43 UTC (over 17 years ago)

Exporting Vectors to a SVG file

A Thursday 15 November 2007 14:27:30, Lionel Tarazon Alcocer escreveu:

I am developing a plug-in which makes use of SVG files to store Gimp Vectors. The Import functionality is quite straight-on due to the gimp_vectors_import_from_file(), but I haven't found a function which works the other way around.

Is there a function which exports paths/vectors to a SVG file or string?

Given that this is quite straight-on at the GIMP GUI (right-button over a path, Export Path), I was wondering if I had missed it at the API.



I have a python script that does this. It has not been updated for the new vectors API in gimp 2.4 however.

Anyway you can take a look at a simple translation of gimp bezier curves to svg equivalents, without using gimp internals:

js ->