My web server is at your disposal
To Whom It May Concern:
I am a fan of GIMP and I would like to offer my assistance with web hosting. I have a very fast dedicated server and would like to offer to host any web sites and files related to GIMP on it. I actively monitor and update the server. I have a variety of existing setups for user access and can offer ssh, http, sftp and VNC access to the primary maintainer(s) of the web content. I am a perfectionist and hold high standards for myself and I only accept high standards from others.
I realize that I am a stranger, but I noticed that I had connectivity issues with using the GIMP web site. If you would allow me to provide the GIMP team with this free service of hosting your web site and files, you will not regret it. I have several hundred GB of available space for whatever you like; my only requirement is that it is decent and legal. My server has 100 terabytes of monthly bandwidth and has a 1 Gbps network speed and has more than enough processing power and disk speed. I would greatly enjoy contributing to the GIMP project in this way. I would offer to mirror the files, but I want to do even more than that. My server is at your disposal.
Please contact me at my e-mail address here if I may be of assistance. I can also use IRC or Skype.
Robert Walliczek (e-mail)
liquid.spark (Skype)
Jesus cares for you.