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IT IS DONE! GIMP 2.10 is now ready for everyone! [+Windows installer]

By at 2018-04-28 18:58:47 UTC, last updated almost 7 years ago. CC BY-NC License

GIMP 2.10 GIMP 2.10 is ready for everyone!

It is done! Finally – GIMP 2.10 has been released yesterday after almost 6 years of hard development. It presents itself with a ton of new features and improvements which will – at least for some of you – need some time to learn.

Internally GIMP has been vastly refactored and many parts have been written completely new to use the new GEGL framework. This now bears fruits and brings us so many new improvements that they can’t be listed here easily.

These are the highlights:

  • Support for high bit depths
  • Multi threading support and hardware acceleration
  • Color management is now a core component of GIMP, so that other core stuff can make use of it
  • Many new tools and filters: unified Transform tool, Warp-Transform and others
  • All GEGL filter have on-canvas previews
  • Layer masks for layer groups
  • New heavily improved scaling algorithms
  • rotating and flipping canvas, symmetrical mainting, myPaint brushes are now supported
  • many new image formats are now supported, improved Photoshop file compatibility
  • editable meta data of images: Exif, XMP, IPTC, und DICOM.
  • new themes and adjustible icon sizes

and much much much more!

An installer for Windows now available. It can be found in our downloads section. For Mac it should follow within a few days.

Until then please find more details on the official website


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Ed tiparro
over 5 years ago

I just wanted to use the File>Create>From Webpage....but it does not exist in the submenu. I have searched Net but there is no writeup on it. Is it a plugin? If so which one? Thx

over 5 years ago
1 site for gimp 2.8

Paul Gerard
almost 6 years ago

I am new to the program is there an idiot type of info to begin with?

Alta Pniewski
almost 6 years ago

I can not get any of my fonts in GIMP 2.10.10, why can some one help me please, I have the fonts loaded on my laptop just can't get them into GIMP, I tried the videos and refreshed the fonts but still is not working... I don't want to quit using GIMP but if I can't resolve this I will have to, and I have always loved GIMP, Thanks for any help out there...

about 6 years ago

I would like to use the program to do line drawings from digital photos. I need to illustrate my hand positions for a textile art, showing dotted lines where the thread goes behind my fingers. How do I do that?

over 6 years ago

is there no way to change the brush size with the mouse wheel in gimp 2.10.2

over 6 years ago

I finally have the time to peek over here to see what has been doing on with the latest version. I'm looking to purchase a tablet in the near future, but I see that there are still issues with them connecting with the Gimp program. I was wondering if that is something that will be fixed now or in the future?

katz member for almost 7 years katz 2 comments
almost 7 years ago


katz member for almost 7 years katz 2 comments
almost 7 years ago

The Paint Options Shared Between Tools settings seem to not work. I have them checked but it still reverts my brush size every time I switch brushes.

almost 7 years ago

I have been using gimp 2.10 for a while now. I can not seem to get the quick toggle mask to work. Does anyone know how to use it for this version of gimp????

almost 7 years ago

hey uhh guys? huion tablets still dont work with gimp...?

Gaby member for almost 7 years Gaby 1 comment
almost 7 years ago

Hi, can someone point me to a tutorial how to get Gimp 2.8.22 back after having loaded the 10.2 version pls? I need something really easy to understand I am a photographer, not an IT person :-(. The new 10.2 gives me 15 error messages (counted) before it opens, sometimes it crashes before opening:-(. The error messages you have to click with "OK" to get to the next error message (I am not that patient to do this regularly), I use Flaming Pear plug ins which I don't seem to be able to even load on the new version, I use the G'Mic Filters which also don't work, I think I should have just waited a bit before downloading the new version :-(. Now I don't want to loose my plug ins etc. by deleting Gimp 10. I use Windows 10. Sorry, this sounds like a real "whiney" post - apologies, just really disappointed, because I liked the new Gimp, but it just doesn't work for me :-(. Any help much appreciated, also which site to use to download the old version would be great to know.

markus member for almost 7 years markus 1 comment
almost 7 years ago

Re: Reggie: also had the problem that after upgrading from 2.8 to 2.10 under Win10, GIMP crashed with an unhandled exception on startup.
Uninstall, restart, scan the C:/ drive for any GIMP remenants (there were a few under User/AppData), delete everything manually, restart again, install 2.10, and now it works. Or at least boots up and opens a PNG image.

almost 7 years ago

I don't like it, the console is too dark, hard to find brushes, tools etc, I can't sharpen an image as the sharpening facility is no longer visible on filters-enhance-sharpen. I can't draw free hand then copy and paste. I rely heavily on Gimp for my website and now I want the old version back please.

Reggie Audibert
almost 7 years ago

Downloaded GIMP 2.10, watched with some trepidation as it proceeded to uninstall 2.8, then concern turned to alarm when I could not start 2.10 -- "entry point inflateValidate could not be located . . ." Now I cannot find a 2.8 for Windows I can download. Any ideas?

Lyle member for almost 13 years Lyle 91 comments
almost 7 years ago

You can try Darktable, Andy. It opens my Leica RAWs and likely it can handle CR2 files too (not sure about that but not hard to do research on this). It seamlessly interfaces with GIMP 2.10 as well and am quite impressed witht he results.

To you, Gary, I would still just download a flavor of Portable (either samj's build or Partha's build) and play with it to get familiar with it. As soon as I can get Mathmap to work work with 64-bit GIMP, I do plan on installing it again. Others have gotten PSPI to work with 64-bit GIMP 2.10 but the portables don't include a 32 folder and manually copying the folder in the portable from a 32-bit portable build does not quite work unfortunately. :)

almost 7 years ago

"For Mac it should follow within a few days."

How many is a few? It's been almost two weeks, and no sign of it yet. So much for "ready for everyone".

almost 7 years ago

How do I open CR2 files in 2.10

Lyle member for almost 13 years Lyle 91 comments
almost 7 years ago

OK; am using samj's portable version(s) which allows me to keep 2.8.22 intact. GIMP 2.10.00 no longer supports Mathmap period (either 32-bit or 64-bit). PSPI still works but only in 32-bit version of GIMP. User filter still works (don't have a 32-bit version; only have 64-bit) in 64-bit GIMP 2.10x. Both Partha and samj's portable version support G'MIC, but, G'MIC has recently been recompiled to support GIMP 2.10.0. Cool too that G'MIC passes higher bit depth back to GIMP 2.10x if you are using higher bit-depth editing. Someone at GIMPChat even showed me how to enable n-point deformation and I'm stoked about that feature (but it will crash my system if the resolution target is too high, so it's now really just a toy. lol). My feelings about GIMP is mixed since I do a lot of renders using Mathmap and I hope Mathmap eventually gets compiled to work with GIMP. As for PSPI, it's really more of a convenience that a needed plugin since Shellout still works so you can use an external program as a surrogate Photoshop plugin engine and you still can get filter factory plugins to work via User filter. Anyway, that's my assessment thus far of GIMP 2.10.00. Hope the developers decide to back-port 32-bit pluigns like they did for GIMP 2.8x. :)

Difydave member for almost 15 years Difydave 12 comments
almost 7 years ago

Looks great, and thanks to the developers, but having read the comments, and seen the "soft" results of scaling that Kyle posted on the other thread, I'll be waiting for a while to update from 2.8 I think.

almost 7 years ago

I don't know if it's just me or if it's happening to everyone, but 2.10 version is so sluggish, it takes longer that usual to do almost everything, from zooming to filters, there's a lot of lag, I had to go back to 2.8. It's a real shame, I guess I'll have to wait for the next update.

GaryJames member for about 16 years GaryJames 4 comments
almost 7 years ago

I love my GIMP and use it for my photography and graphic art projects. I appreciate all that the creators have done to make such a useful product. I was totally surprised and saddened by the recent offering of 2.10. It was a disaster for me and weakened my trust in the integrity of the software. Never again will I be the guinea pig for a new version of GIMP and I will wait for months and month till it really is ready for us.

almost 7 years ago

Thanks, Lyle, I finally was able to uninstall all of the damaging 2.10 files and reinstall 2.8. Looks to be working okay, not sure if all of my add-ons are there yet. I will not be downloading 2.10 for at least 6 months after it is fixed, too much of a hassle.

G2Vicoigne member for almost 10 years G2Vicoigne 4 comments
almost 7 years ago

Je viens d'installer GIMP 2.10.
Je peux maintenant ouvrir des images RAW avec gimp qui les bascule vers Darktable.
le souci est que j'ai perdu Mathmap, G'MIC et toutes les extensions GIMP et pas moyen de les réinstaller.comment les réinstaller ?

Lyle member for almost 13 years Lyle 91 comments
almost 7 years ago

Hey, Gary. Doesn't appear that I can reply to you directly, but the reason you are getting these errors is likely due to the fact that 2.10x hijaaks your 2.8x user folder and it can't run some of the plugins that you have within said user folder. Hopefully, they will come up with an installer that uses it's own folder so both 2.8x and 2.10x can co-exist. In the meantime, I'll be looking for a portable version of 2.10x eventually (have a bad taste in my mouth for 2.10x at the moment). :)

Lyle member for almost 13 years Lyle 91 comments rated this topic with 4/5
almost 7 years ago

Good article but not happy with 2.10 since it overwrites my GIMP 2.8x and it gets all kinds of errors with the plugins that I've been using for years. Fortunately, for me, I backed up my user directory and was able to re-install 2.8.22 without a hitch (and it's noticeably spiffier; weird; hope I'm not missing a plugin. lol). Hopefully the developers will allow for 2.10x to install on its own without overwriting 2.8x; otherwise it make be a long time before I bite the bullet with 2.10x. :)

almost 7 years ago

I have been using GIMP for years and my latest version was 2.8 for Windows 10. I downloaded 2.10 for Windows and it just will not set up at all, even after downloading twice. constantly getting 'point of entry" errors etc. Tried finding the old 2.8 version to download and can not find it. Does anyone have a link to it?

almost 7 years ago

Hello there. Only a little question. Will GIMP 2.10 be released for Windows 32 bits systems? There is only a 64-bit installer