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GIMP 2.8 HD Video Preview

By at 2009-09-09 10:49:43 UTC, last updated over 15 years ago. CC BY-NC License

Rolf over at has made a cool and long video preview showing the features of GIMP 2.8 in action!

This weeks episode (#118) is dedicated to GIMP 2.8 and Rolf had the time to look at the features of GIMP 2.8 and made a video (HD quality) about it. The show is based on our GIMP 2.8 feature preview and shows the new features in motion! Take a look at it ;)

Episode#118 @


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redforce member for over 18 years redforce 230 comments
over 15 years ago

"improve your sight"?

over 15 years ago

cute! try can improve your sight better.