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dividing a page of images into individual images

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dividing a page of images into individual images rob 22 Jul 19:01
  dividing a page of images into individual images Roland Roberts 22 Jul 19:36
   dividing a page of images into individual images rob 23 Jul 13:07
   dividing a page of images into individual images rob 23 Jul 13:08
dividing a page of images into individual images Geoffrey 22 Jul 19:03
2002-07-22 19:01:03 UTC (over 22 years ago)

dividing a page of images into individual images

I'm trying to catalog my photos I've got a negative scanner which scans them in 12 twelve at a time (epson 2450 photo) is there a script I can run it through to get 12 individual images?

2002-07-22 19:03:55 UTC (over 22 years ago)

dividing a page of images into individual images

rob wrote:

I'm trying to catalog my photos I've got a negative scanner which scans them in 12 twelve at a time (epson 2450 photo) is there a script I can run it through to get 12 individual images?

You can mark the separation between images with guides and then use image->transforms->guillotine to create the separate images.

Roland Roberts
2002-07-22 19:36:57 UTC (over 22 years ago)

dividing a page of images into individual images

"rob" == rob writes:

rob> I'm trying to catalog my photos I've got a negative scanner rob> which scans them in 12 twelve at a time (epson 2450 photo) is rob> there a script I can run it through to get 12 individual rob> images?

I'm attaching an undocumented script I use to scan film and slides with my epson 2450 using scanimage. Here's how I used it this morning to scan a set of 12 images while I was commuting to work.

( for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12; do F=$((x+3)); scanfilm --strip $x --file $(printf "f%02d.tif" $F) --format tiff --resolution 2400 --depth 16; done) > scan.log 2>&1 &

And here is a scan from a couple days ago when I had uncut slide film:

( for x in 3 4 8 9 10; do F=$((x+2)); scanfilm --strip $x --positive --file $(printf "%02d.tif" $F) --format tiff --resolution 2400 --depth 16; done) > scan.log 2>&

o The --strip uses the 35-mm strip holder and assumes negative film. o The --slide uses the 35-mm (mounted) slide holder and assumes positive film.
o The film type may be overridden via --positive or --negative. o Unrecognized options are passes through as-is (e.g., --resolution, --depth, --format). No promises that it won't break on somthing.

Note that I don't have anything set up for medium format film yet. I have a roll I need to scan, so I'll probably add that in the next week or so.


2002-07-23 13:07:30 UTC (over 22 years ago)

dividing a page of images into individual images

On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 18:36, Roland Roberts wrote:

"rob" == rob writes:

rob> I'm trying to catalog my photos I've got a negative scanner rob> which scans them in 12 twelve at a time (epson 2450 photo) is rob> there a script I can run it through to get 12 individual rob> images?

I'm attaching an undocumented script I use to scan film and slides with my epson 2450 using scanimage. Here's how I used it this morning to scan a set of 12 images while I was commuting to work.


I'm so stupid this is much better way to do things :)

I think it'd be a good idea if the ability to select individaul negatives etc went in the driver. I don't know if this is possible but it'd be much simpler. I'll send an email to sane-devel I think.

Thanks again this was exactly what I wanted to be able to do. :)

2002-07-23 13:08:03 UTC (over 22 years ago)

dividing a page of images into individual images

On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 18:36, Roland Roberts wrote:

"rob" == rob writes:

rob> I'm trying to catalog my photos I've got a negative scanner rob> which scans them in 12 twelve at a time (epson 2450 photo) is rob> there a script I can run it through to get 12 individual rob> images?

I'm attaching an undocumented script I use to scan film and slides with my epson 2450 using scanimage. Here's how I used it this morning to scan a set of 12 images while I was commuting to work.


I'm so stupid this is much better way to do things :)

I think it'd be a good idea if the ability to select individaul negatives etc went in the driver. I don't know if this is possible but it'd be much simpler. I'll send an email to sane-devel I think.

Thanks again this was exactly what I wanted to be able to do. :)