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Automatize picture preprocessing...

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Automatize picture preprocessing... Durumdara 16 Mar 20:21
  Automatize picture preprocessing... David Hodson 16 Mar 23:53
   Automatize picture preprocessing... 17 Mar 11:43
    Automatize picture preprocessing... David Hodson 17 Mar 15:27
2008-03-16 20:21:55 UTC (almost 17 years ago)

Automatize picture preprocessing...


I wanna automatize the photo picture preprocessing. I wanna call the auto color converters from python, if possible, without open the gimp, and open the files.

For example I wanna make auto white, auto level, auto color on all pictures, and make 3 images from the original to check what correction is better for it.

How can I do this? Can I do this like withPhotoShop API? See my PS code:

# encoding: iso-8859-2 import win32com.client, os, sys

app = win32com.client.Dispatch("Photoshop.Application") #print cs.ActiveDocument.Name
while 1:
l = app.Documents.Count
if l > 0:
if app.ActiveDocument <> None:
import time

def ProcessImage(FileName): for i in range(3):
doc = app.ActiveDocument;
if i == 0:
app.DoAction('KT', 'TEST')
elif i == 1:
layer = doc.ActiveLayer
elif i == 2:
layer = doc.ActiveLayer
jpgopt = win32com.client.Dispatch("Photoshop.JPEGSaveOptions") jpgopt.Quality = 12
import os
bn, ext = os.path.splitext(FileName) newfilename = bn + '_' + str(['col', 'lev', 'cnt'][i]) + ext doc.SaveAs(newfilename, jpgopt)

def GetFileList(top): filenames = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=False): for name in files:
b, e = os.path.splitext(name) if e.lower() == '.jpg':
if b.find('_col') == -1 and b.find('_cnt') == -1 and b.find('_lev') == -1:
filenames.append(os.path.join(root, name)) return filenames

I tried DBP (DPB?) but it isn't works for me in Windows XP.

Thanks for your help: dd

David Hodson
2008-03-16 23:53:58 UTC (almost 17 years ago)

Automatize picture preprocessing...

Durumdara wrote:

> I wanna automatize the photo picture preprocessing. > [...]
> I tried DBP (DPB?) but it isn't works for me in Windows XP.

DBP (David's Batch Processor). Do you mean it was broken? Or it just didn't do what you wanted?
2008-03-17 11:43:37 UTC (almost 17 years ago)

Automatize picture preprocessing...

David Hodson wrote:

Durumdara wrote:

> I wanna automatize the photo picture preprocessing. > [...]
> I tried DBP (DPB?) but it isn't works for me in Windows XP.

DBP (David's Batch Processor). Do you mean it was broken? Or it just didn't do what you wanted?


I have Gimp 2.7 if I remember good.

I unpack the DBP to the bin dir.

I wanna start it, but there nothing happened. No application window showed.

Thanks: dd

David Hodson
2008-03-17 15:27:15 UTC (almost 17 years ago)

Automatize picture preprocessing... wrote:

I unpack the DBP to the bin dir.

I wanna start it, but there nothing happened. No application window showed.

It's a Gimp plugin - put it into the plugins directory, then start (or restart) Gimp and look in the "Xtns" menu.