Hi everyone, I have an announcement.
Besides being a GIMP user, I'm also a technical writer. As such, I'm also a
member of the Society for Technical Communication (STC), a nonprofit
organization. I belong to their Washington, DC Chapter.
It just so happens that the DC Chapter of the STC is looking for submissions
to their annual Technical Communications Competitions. Actually, there are
three competitions in all:
Online Communication
Technical Art
Technical Publications
For each competition there are a number of categories in which you can enter
your artwork (more than one if you wish). For the Technical Art Competition,
there are 17 categories. They range from Mechanical Illustration to
Interpretative Illustration to Promotional Materials Design. As you can see,
for GIMP users, this is right up our alley as long as the entry is technical
in nature.
There are three levels of awards in each category:
Distinguished Technical Communication (DTC)
In addition, one DTC winner in each competition wins Best Of Show.
So, there are many chances to win. Also, you don't have to be a member of
STC or its DC chapter to enter. In fact, you don't even have to live in the
US. The chapter frequently receives entries from other countries. The main
deal is that they must be written in English.
In any case, if you think you have a design, illustration, poster, or other
artwork you think is award quality, think about submitting it. You'll get to
see what others are doing and receive valuable feedback from our expert
judges. You could say that this your chance to grab your fifteen minutes of
fame, and have something to brag about back at the office.
Entries to the STC Washington, DC Chapter Technical Communications
Competitions must be submitted on or before 16 October 2007. For more
details, go to the link below
All entrants and those interested in seeing the winning entries are invited
to an awards banquet on 9 February 2008 in Washington, DC. The banquet will
be held at the historic DACOR-Bacon house - a beautiful example of
Federalist architecture. The house is outfitted in authentic furnishings of
the period when it served as hearth and home to some of the notables of US
jurisprudence and politics.
(see photos here:
See you there,
Terry Reece