On 5/15/07, Richard Oliver wrote:
I have a photo of a Mountain range which I want to use as a background
to advertise a bed and breakfast lodge.
I have placed four photographs,one showing a picture of the the
lodge,the others, showing shots of the accommodation.These are as
different layers,positioned , one in each corner of the background.
What I would like to achieve is to blend the edges of those photo's
into the background so that the edges are semi-transparent and show the
mountain in a soft sort of light.
Your help would be much appreciated,Richard
Use the Fuzzy Select tool to select the empty space on the layer.
Then do 'Select->Feather' (20 px would be a good starting point ).
Then do 'Edit->Clear'. You'll have to play with the feather radius,
depending on image size, how much you want to be transaparent, etc.