Gimp-Python GUI...
On Friday 22 December 2006 19:33, jbaker wrote:
I'm wanting to do a script that requires a more complicated GUI
than what the standard way of doing a script provides...
Basically I want to be able to layout some of the widgets
horizontally instead of stacked vertically...
What would be the recommended way to do this... ?
Does anyone know of any scripts that do this type of thing that I
could refer to ?
A Python plug-in can behave like a fully fatured C plug-in
with "query" procediures and the like. The docuemntation on that is
scarse, as you may have noted. There is soemthing floating on teh web
somewhere, and IIRC, python-fu itself uses that to build the
automatic interfaces.
There is another way to do it however:
just register a python-fu plugin that tkakes no input parameters
whatsoever, and inside its main function, build a python GTK+
window, just as if it was a stand alone application. Thi ss is
simpler and is what is done by the Python procedure Browser, for