PNG option: save color from transparency
On Monday 25 September 2006 02:32 pm, devvv wrote:
[Gimp-user] PNG option: save color from transparency
Date: Today 02:32:49 pm
From: devvv
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Can anyone tell me what the option "save color from transparency"
exactly does when i save a png-file? I don't know the exact english
text which appears here but i guess everyone knows of which option
I'm talking about.
When a pixel is fully transparent, it still might hold an RGB value,
though invisible. This RGB value can be retrieved if the pixel is
made opaque or translucent.
With this option enabled, this hidden color is written in a png file.
Else, the RGB value is set to the gimp context's BG colour, and the
information is lost. This allows for a smaller file size if the RGB
value int the transparent areas are not flat.
thanks in advance,
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