Picture File Association
On Thursday 17 August 2006 08:15 am, vt wrote:
2006 m. rugpj?tis 17 d., ketvirtadienis 10:12, Famous Actor raš?:
I'm a first time Gimp user. During installation, I accidentally
associated all possible picture files as Gimp files. Now on my
hard drive, the picture files are no longer "gifs" or "jpegs" or
"bitmaps", they are all "gimps". Does anyone know how to reverse
the association? I want to use The Gimp, but I also want to know
what files are gifs and jpegs.
For answer we should at least know what is your operating system.
His "operating system" if it may be called so, is clearly enough
windows. It is the only "thing" that first says it is not important
to know the files extensions, then hide the proper parts of the
filenames, and later wants people to know an image file type from
another just by the icons.
Famous Actor:
You can associate the files back each to its own app, though I would
not remember the way to do it under windos. But you can also set
your system to actually show you the file extensions thenselves. I
consider this last way much more usefull. Just look for the proper
option of "do not show file extensions" - yes windos announces this
crippling stuff as a 'feature' - under the "view" or "edit" or
"configure" menu on the Windows Explorer window, and turn it off.
(Sorry, I have no windos around to actually check which is the way
to go)