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Fuzzy border in a script

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Fuzzy border in a script houghi 11 Aug 13:41
  Fuzzy border in a script 13 Aug 05:52
   Fuzzy border in a script houghi 13 Aug 15:34
2006-08-11 13:41:03 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Fuzzy border in a script

I would like to use 'Fuzzy border' in a script yet I can not seem to get it right.

All I get is "batch command: experienced an execution error."

I have searched for aboyt two days and dit not find a solution. I would be needing to rn it in a batch script, because it will be done on 2000+ pictures.

I have looked at the code for /opt/gnome/share/gimp/2.0/scripts/fuzzyborder.scm, with the help of several manual, but am unable to produce anthing even remotely usable, let alone something like fuzzyborder.scm

If there is a better place to ask, please let me know.

2006-08-13 05:52:01 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Fuzzy border in a script

Quoting houghi :

I would like to use 'Fuzzy border' in a script yet I can not seem to get it right.

All I get is "batch command: experienced an execution error."

I have searched for aboyt two days and dit not find a solution. I would be needing to rn it in a batch script, because it will be done on 2000+ pictures.

My (wild) guess is that you are passing filenames from the command line to the GIMP, thinking that 'fuzzyborder' script can accept them for its "image" parameter. For example, if you are doing something like:

gimp -b '(fuzzy-border RUN-NONINTERACTIVE "*.png" 0 \'(0 0 0) 20 5 1 0 0 0 1)' '(quit 0)'

this will not work becasue 'fuzzy-border' expects a number for the IMAGE parameter and does not know how to handle the string "*.png".

You usually have to define a new Script-fu function which takes care of opening the file and calling 'fuzzy-border' with the image identification number of the opened file.

If there is a better place to ask, please let me know.

Personally, I find forums to be easier than mailing lists to ask for and to receive help for a problem such as this. If I have guessed wrong on your problem (there are many things that can cause an "execution error"), you could post your problem on or

2006-08-13 15:34:08 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Fuzzy border in a script

On Sat, Aug 12, 2006 at 08:52:01PM -0700, wrote:

this will not work becasue 'fuzzy-border' expects a number for the IMAGE parameter and does not know how to handle the string "*.png".

You usually have to define a new Script-fu function which takes care of opening the file and calling 'fuzzy-border' with the image identification number of the opened file.

Hope this mail gets trough, because an earlier reply to my own message was refused. Somebody wrote me a solution:

Because I need different colour each time, I have devided it in two parts. The part before the colours and the part after it and then use cat to turn it into one part in a temrary directory, together with just one picture.

COLOR=`hex2rgb $COLOR` cp $FUZZY_DIR/fuzzy.pl1 TMP_DIR/ cat >> TMP_DIR/ <> TMP_DIR/ mv $FILE TMP_DIR/.
perl > /dev/null 2>&1 cd ..
mv TMP_DIR/*.jpg .

I use it to make wallpapers. A fairly rough and unfinnisched script is here: You would also ned ImageMagick.

I use it on two monitors. One to see the examples and the oter one to run the script and do the changes. Also it is written for now for 1600x1200 screens.

You will also need to change the fonts to what you have available.
