Gimp refuses changed images
On Tue, 08 Aug 2006 15:47:54 +0200, A. den Oudsten wrote:
VytautasP wrote:
A. den Oudsten wrote:
When I change an image in Gimp I cannot write down the changed image
The message is: Access denied.
How to operate to avoid that message?
What OS do you use? What version of GIMP do you use?
Gimp 2.2 in Suse Linux 10.0
Do you have modification rights for original file? And for full path=20
to image? Aren't there some not-English letters in names of folders in=20
the path to image?
Copy it somewhere else and the t should work.
Thanks for the hint to modification rights!
It was a photo copied from a CD-Rom.
I learned to check, in that case, the owner rights.
It's probably _not_ "owner rights" that are upsetting your attempts to
save the image (back over itself.) Files copied from a CDROM are marked
as Read-Only -- because - Taa!-Daa! - files on a CDROM are _not_
writeable. When you copy them down to your hard-drive they are marked
r-xr-xr-x (or, for you winderz users: the attributes are set to R/O.)
Just chmod the file to 600 (or, ATTRIB -R .)
"Owner Rights" are something else entirely -- a whole separate topic.