Fwd: Re: [magick-users] flatten not work
On 4/23/06, Stephan Hegel wrote:
As Sven mentioned there a couple of those scripts on the web: shell
scripts with embedded script-fu, pure script-fu, etc. Which one are
you using ?
If you use that one posted to
thanks, but the link seems not accessable from here. the core
statement in my xcf2png is below:
( file-png-save 1 image drawable pngfile pngfile 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 )
so, to replace the above statement i think i have to unstand it first.
it seems easy to guess that 'file-png-save' is a function and from
the context i can guess the number '9' is the compression level.
to replace it, i think i need a function like file-tif-save or
file-tiff-save. is there such a function? if so, what parameters i
have to provide to it? before knowing of these information i think i
can do nothing on it.
near the bottom of the page it should be obvious where to replace "png"
with "tif".
steven woody wrote:
thank you. i have found the xcf2png and it works. the only question
is how about if i want a xcf2tif? i think tiff is better than png, am
i right? but since i don't familar with any of GIMP's script-Fu, i
don't know how to modify the xcf2png.
On 4/22/06, Sven Neumann wrote:
"steven woody" writes:
:-( the same doesn't work for me. and, the 'display' can only display
one layer of the image too. what's the cause ? the original three
layers in the image was got from the 'decomposite' command of GIMP.
ImageMagick simply doesn't implement all features of XCF since XCF is
the native file format of GIMP and only GIMP supports it completely.
If you want to flatten an XCF image or convert it to a different
format, use GIMP for it.
If you need to do this from the command-line, there are a couple of
XCF to PNG converter scripts using the GIMP batch mode. Try to google
for xcf2png.