Composing Images
Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris wrote:
On Tuesday 28 February 2006 10:24 pm, scott s. wrote:
I have some raster images that I need to combine. Each raster is
in tiff format grayscale.
In image->mode menu , you will find the "compose" plug-in.
Use that.
The only catch is that all three images must be the same size bedfore
combining, so you may have to crop/scale before doing that.
Thanks Joao -- I was having trouble getting the "compose" to
work (no matter what I did it was "grayed out"). Then I realized in
manipulating the data in another program, the images were being
saved as "indexed" not "grayscale". Once I changed that I could
load 3 different bands (tiffs) and assign them as RGB channels in
the compose filter and it worked out great.
Just for info, the data is satellite Landsat 7 enhanced thematic
mapper, which is a multisensor imaging device that produces
data in about 9 different spectral bands + one panchromatic
grayscale. GIMP is working very nicely in combining the
band data to create false-color images.
scott s.