Font weight
On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 07:43:36PM +0000, Joao Cruz Morais wrote:
Im trying to type some text and bold it but can't seem to accomplish
this with the last version of Gimp. Am I missing something or this is
just not possible?
gimp will only use what the font delivers. you will need to find a font
that has a bold version.
the gimp freetype plug-in ( might have something like
that available. i haven't looked in a while.
personally, i respect the font about this. one way that font authors
(could) make money for their efforts (and making a font is no easy task)
is to release the regular font for free and then to sell the complete
set. personally, i think that any software app that allows users to
over-ride this option that the font makers have should be made illegal
and its sales considered at least a misdeameanor of theft in civil
courts anywhere. any professional needing such a thing from a pixel
painting app should also seriously consider the way they use the title
"professional". they are the first group of people who should
understand how that works.
anything else you want?