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R:: R: Problems saving in different formats

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Problems saving in different formats Roberto Marega 11 Jul 09:49
Problems saving in different formats Michael Schumacher 11 Jul 13:05
  R: Problems saving in different formats Roberto Marega 11 Jul 14:37
   R: Problems saving in different formats Olivier Ripoll 11 Jul 18:42
    R:: R: Problems saving in different formats Roberto Marega 12 Jul 14:52
Roberto Marega
2005-07-11 09:49:20 UTC (over 19 years ago)

Problems saving in different formats

Hi All,

I have installed GIMP (gtk+2.6.7-setup2 and gimp-2.2.8-i586-setup) on a Windows XP PRO PC.

The problem I have is that when I try to save the .xcf image (whichever image in gimp format) in a different format, e.g. jpg, bmp, eps, etc., the "save as" windows freezes, the file is not saved and I need to close the main window of gimp to go on.

I tryied uninstallint and reinstalling gimp many times, with the version 2.2.7 too, but I always have the same problem.
Somebody has some idea for what could be the problem?
Thank you very much,


Michael Schumacher
2005-07-11 13:05:28 UTC (over 19 years ago)

Problems saving in different formats

Von: "Roberto Marega"

I have installed GIMP (gtk+2.6.7-setup2 and gimp-2.2.8-i586-setup) on a Windows XP PRO PC.

The problem I have is that when I try to save the .xcf image (whichever image in gimp format) in a different format, e.g. jpg, bmp, eps, etc., the "save as" windows freezes, the file is not saved and I need to close the main window of gimp to go on.

At what time exactly does it freeze - when opening the save as dialog (before you enter a filename) or after the filename has been entered and you clicked on 'Ok'?

I tryied uninstallint and reinstalling gimp many times, with the version 2.2.7 too, but I always have the same problem.

There is a new GTK+ version available, 2.6.8. As the component involved here is from GTK+ and usually get some fixes between releases, it would be worthwile to update.

Somebody has some idea for what could be the problem?

Another possible reason would be Hyperthreading. Check if it is enabled on your system - both windows and some BIOSes contain bugs related to it, but there are fixes, at least for Win XP (in SP2).

HTH, Michael

Roberto Marega
2005-07-11 14:37:17 UTC (over 19 years ago)

R: Problems saving in different formats

Thank you very much for your help.

Actually my PC doesn't perform Hypertreading.

I tryied with GTK+ version 2.6.8 but I have the same result.

The window freezes after I have been choosing the new format (e.g. jpg) and I click save.
All the window keep gray fonts except the raw describing the new format (jpg in this case) which remains black.
I see the clepsydra for few seconds then nothing more. The "save as" window is open but totally inactive.

Thank you again,


============================= The previous message follows

-----Messaggio originale----- Da: [] Per conto di Michael Schumacher
Inviato: lunedì 11 luglio 2005 13.05 A:
Oggetto: Re: [Gimp-user] Problems saving in different formats

Von: "Roberto Marega"

I have installed GIMP (gtk+2.6.7-setup2 and gimp-2.2.8-i586-setup) on a Windows XP PRO PC.

The problem I have is that when I try to save the .xcf image (whichever image in gimp format) in a different format, e.g. jpg, bmp, eps, etc., the "save as" windows freezes, the file is not saved and I need to close the main window of gimp to go on.

At what time exactly does it freeze - when opening the save as dialog (before you enter a filename) or after the filename has been entered and you clicked on 'Ok'?

I tryied uninstallint and reinstalling gimp many times, with the version
2.2.7 too, but I always have the same problem.

There is a new GTK+ version available, 2.6.8. As the component involved here is from GTK+ and usually get some fixes between releases, it would be worthwile to update.

Somebody has some idea for what could be the problem?

Another possible reason would be Hyperthreading. Check if it is enabled on your system - both windows and some BIOSes contain bugs related to it, but there are fixes, at least for Win XP (in SP2).

HTH, Michael

5 GB Mailbox, 50 FreeSMS +++ GMX - die erste Adresse f|r Mail, Message, More +++

Olivier Ripoll
2005-07-11 18:42:47 UTC (over 19 years ago)

R: Problems saving in different formats

Roberto Marega wrote:

Thank you very much for your help.

Actually my PC doesn't perform Hypertreading.

I tryied with GTK+ version 2.6.8 but I have the same result.

The window freezes after I have been choosing the new format (e.g. jpg) and I click save.
All the window keep gray fonts except the raw describing the new format (jpg in this case) which remains black.
I see the clepsydra for few seconds then nothing more. The "save as" window is open but totally inactive.

Thank you again,



Could you try launching gimp in a command window: Click on "Start"->"Run..." and type "cmd.exe". Then go to the gimp directory (most likely c:\Program Files\gimp-2.0\bin) and launch manually gimp (gimp-2.2.exe).
You might have the luck to see some error messages printed there. I said "might" ;)



Roberto Marega
2005-07-12 14:52:25 UTC (over 19 years ago)

R:: R: Problems saving in different formats

Thank you All for your help.

Unfortunately I didn't fix it yet. I tryed lounching gimp from the command window but I didn't get any error output.

Maybe the problem is connected with the expected "worning popup", but I don't see this window as well as I see many other popup corectly.

Working with GIMP I understood the problem I mentioned has to be part of a bigger problem. In fact I can work on the image, using all the graphic tools, succesfully, but it seems that all the Xtns menu has problems. I can't load modules and I can't navigate through plug-ins. If I click "load" on a module or if I click "navigate" in the plug-in menu nothing apparently is happening: in this last case I see the clepsydra for a few seconds and nothing more. An this both with gimp 2.2.8 and 2.2.7.

Maybe these new hints may help somebody of you to help me.

Thank you anyway to everybody.



-----Messaggio originale----- Da: [] Per conto di Olivier Ripoll
Inviato: lunedì 11 luglio 2005 18.43 A:
Oggetto: [Gimp-user] Re: R: Problems saving in different formats

Roberto Marega wrote:

Thank you very much for your help.

Actually my PC doesn't perform Hypertreading.

I tryied with GTK+ version 2.6.8 but I have the same result.

The window freezes after I have been choosing the new format (e.g. jpg) and I click save.
All the window keep gray fonts except the raw describing the new format (jpg in this case) which remains black. I see the clepsydra for few seconds then nothing more. The "save as" window is open but totally inactive.

Thank you again,



Could you try launching gimp in a command window: Click on "Start"->"Run..." and type "cmd.exe". Then go to the gimp directory (most likely c:\Program Files\gimp-2.0\bin) and launch manually gimp (gimp-2.2.exe).
You might have the luck to see some error messages printed there. I said "might" ;)

