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Comic Book retro style dots [Re: Camera to Comic Book]

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20050529190046.57D1E12155@l... 07 Oct 20:17
  Comic Book retro style dots [Re: Camera to Comic Book] Asif Lodhi 30 May 01:36
   Comic Book retro style dots [Re: Camera to Comic Book] Owen Cook 30 May 03:50
   Comic Book retro style dots [Re: Camera to Comic Book] Sven Neumann 30 May 11:20
Pine.BSF.4.58L0.05060115371... 07 Oct 20:17
  Comic Book retro style dots [Re: Camera to Comic Book] Asif Lodhi 01 Jun 22:52
Asif Lodhi
2005-05-30 01:36:13 UTC (over 19 years ago)

Comic Book retro style dots [Re: Camera to Comic Book]

Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 16:44:59 +0100 (BST) From: Alan Horkan
Cc: Subject: Comic Book retro style dots [Re: [Gimp-user] Camera to Comic Book]

The more detail you provide in your question the better chance you have of getting exactly the answer you want. If you want an effect like that seen in the Rhino picture you need to learn about Halftones, which is very much retro comic book style as opposed to some of the other simplrer more straighforward Cartoon effects like:

Filters, Artistic,

I don't have "Cartoon" under my Filter/Artistic menu entry. I will find it in the gimp plug-in registry. If it's not in the plugin registry then please tell me where I can find it.

Best regards


Owen Cook
2005-05-30 03:50:00 UTC (over 19 years ago)

Comic Book retro style dots [Re: Camera to Comic Book]

On Sun, 29 May 2005, Asif Lodhi wrote:

Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 16:44:59 +0100 (BST) From: Alan Horkan
Cc: Subject: Comic Book retro style dots [Re: [Gimp-user] Camera to Comic Book]

The more detail you provide in your question the better chance you have of getting exactly the answer you want. If you want an effect like that seen in the Rhino picture you need to learn about Halftones, which is very much retro comic book style as opposed to some of the other simplrer more straighforward Cartoon effects like:

Filters, Artistic,

I don't have "Cartoon" under my Filter/Artistic menu entry. I will find it in the gimp plug-in registry. If it's not in the plugin registry then please tell me where I can find it.

Well, at a guess I would say that if it's not there it hasn't been built.

When you built it, did you read the configure output to see what was not being built, and why?


Sven Neumann
2005-05-30 11:20:20 UTC (over 19 years ago)

Comic Book retro style dots [Re: Camera to Comic Book]


Asif Lodhi writes:

I don't have "Cartoon" under my Filter/Artistic menu entry. I will find it in the gimp plug-in registry. If it's not in the plugin registry then please tell me where I can find it.

You are probably still using GIMP 2.0 then.


Asif Lodhi
2005-06-01 22:52:42 UTC (over 19 years ago)

Comic Book retro style dots [Re: Camera to Comic Book]


Alan and Sven, thanks for the help.

On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 2:20 AM, Sven Neumann wrote:

You are probably still using GIMP 2.0 then.

Yes! 2.0.5. I did downloaded some dependencies for 2.2.6 and will now download any dependencies for 2.2.7 that differ from 2.2.6. As a learning task, I want to install Gimp from source-tarballs including all the dependencies under my home directory.

Yes, I should have searched appropriate resources before posting my query! I am sorry!

On 6/1/05, Alan Horkan wrote:

As you probably have arleady been told you should upgrade to Gimp 2.2

- Alan

Yes. Thank you.

Best regards
