Making a Wood Texture
The GIMP file I have trouble with can be downloaded at:
To create it I mostly followed this video:
To have a reminder regarding how this file is created so I can do it again much later I kept notes. These notes can be downloaded from:
The goal is to have a tileable wood texture for use in a Blender project. For that goal the instructions in the video go wrong for me in two places:
1) In section 5 of the notes the Edge Detect filter is putting a 1 pixel wide stripe at the top, and bottom, of the image, which spoils later tileing. This can be seen in the xcf file by toggling the "Edge Detect" layer's visibility. Is there an Edge Detect tool option that will not put that stripe there?
2) In section 5 of the notes the Wrap around works only horizontally. If there is a nonzero, and positive, Y offset, there is a seam along the top of the image. Is this a GIMP bug? Or is there a setting that is not right?