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'Fit Canvas to Layers' does the opposite

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'Fit Canvas to Layers' does the opposite Ash_78 19 Oct 07:05
  'Fit Canvas to Layers' does the opposite Ash_78 19 Oct 07:36
2020-10-19 07:05:19 UTC (almost 4 years ago)

'Fit Canvas to Layers' does the opposite

I duplicated a layer and cropped. I deleted the previous layers so now only the resized one exists. I clicked 'Fit canvas to layers' and instead, it restored my image to its original size. it Uncropped my image and did nothing to the canvas size.

I can upload a video of it happening if necessary but it will only demonstrate exactly what I've said here.

'Crop to content' doesn't work either.

2020-10-19 07:36:50 UTC (almost 4 years ago)

'Fit Canvas to Layers' does the opposite

I duplicated a layer and cropped. I deleted the previous layers so now only the resized one exists. I clicked 'Fit canvas to layers' and instead, it restored my image to its original size. it Uncropped my image and did nothing to the canvas size.

I can upload a video of it happening if necessary but it will only demonstrate exactly what I've said here.

'Crop to content' doesn't work either.



Select>All Image>Crop to selection

So I just have to crop what I've cropped in order to crop it and then 'select all' meaning select not all but the thing that should have been cropped beforehand. Simple.