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un-install before re-install?

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un-install before re-install? Bill Kristy via gimp-user-list 30 Mar 22:55
  un-install before re-install? Jernej Simončič 31 Mar 06:49
  un-install before re-install? Liam R E Quin 31 Mar 16:29
   un-install before re-install? Bill Kristy via gimp-user-list 31 Mar 17:50
   un-install before re-install? Jernej Simončič 31 Mar 17:59
    un-install before re-install? coyote 03 Apr 15:37
Bill Kristy via gimp-user-list
2020-03-30 22:55:08 UTC (almost 5 years ago)

un-install before re-install?

When I launched GIMP today I got a cool popup that 2.10.18 is available. It says "Even though you use the last version, it is recommended to reinstall. New revisious come with package fixes".

Does this mean to un-install then install the new version? Should I always uninstall
first or just this time? (Thoroughly like with Revo?)

I haven't done that since I last had an issue (incidentally because I'm using the 32-bit version). IIRC I made some customizations at some point.


Jernej Simončič
2020-03-31 06:49:40 UTC (almost 5 years ago)

un-install before re-install?

On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 00:55:08, Bill Kristy via gimp-user-list wrote:

Does this mean to un-install then install the new version? Should I always uninstall
first or just this time? (Thoroughly like with Revo?)

If you're on Windows, there's never a need to uninstall previous GIMP version when upgrading - the installer is specifically made to properly upgrade any older version.

< Jernej Simoni ><><><><>< >

A university is a place where men of principle outnumber men of honor.
       -- May's Mordant Maxim
Liam R E Quin
2020-03-31 16:29:00 UTC (almost 5 years ago)

un-install before re-install?

On Mon, 2020-03-30 at 15:55 -0700, Bill Kristy via gimp-user-list wrote:

Does this mean to un-install then install the new version?

If you are having problems running the current gimp i'd suggest an uninstall (but try renaming your profie folder first and see if that cures the problems).

Otherwise it should not be neeeded.


Liam Quin - web slave for
with fabulous vintage art and fascinating texts to read.
Full-time slave in voluntary servitude
Bill Kristy via gimp-user-list
2020-03-31 17:50:08 UTC (almost 5 years ago)

un-install before re-install?

Thank you very much Liam! That's what I've thought, but the wording of the message I quoted made me wonder if something (like a package update) would make uninstalling necessary.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 9:29 AM Liam R E Quin wrote:

On Mon, 2020-03-30 at 15:55 -0700, Bill Kristy via gimp-user-list wrote:

Does this mean to un-install then install the new version?

If you are having problems running the current gimp i'd suggest an uninstall (but try renaming your profie folder first and see if that cures the problems).

Otherwise it should not be neeeded.


-- Liam Quin - web slave for with fabulous vintage art and fascinating texts to read. Full-time slave in voluntary servitude

Jernej Simončič
2020-03-31 17:59:34 UTC (almost 5 years ago)

un-install before re-install?

On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 18:29:00, Liam R E Quin wrote:

If you are having problems running the current gimp i'd suggest an uninstall (but try renaming your profie folder first and see if that cures the problems).

On Windows uninstall and reinstall should have the same result as just doing an upgrade (the installer doesn't touch user-specific settings).

< Jernej Simoni ><><><><>< >

If God had intended us to go around naked, He would have made us that way.
       -- Olum's Observation (and see Martha's Maxim and Farrow's Finding)
2020-04-03 15:37:23 UTC (almost 5 years ago)

un-install before re-install?

On Windows uninstall and reinstall should have the same result as just doing an upgrade (the installer doesn't touch user-specific settings).

Very cool, Jernej, thank you very much for eveything!

coyote (via