configuration of a Wacom Intuos tablet
I just bought a Wacom Intuos tablet, A5 format.
I had the good surprise to observe that, as soon as plugged into a USB
port, the mouse and the pen were recognized by the system (Debian Sid)
and operational.
I installed the wacom driver, and described the tablet in my
XF86config-4 file, in a way similar to what is described in
I also used the short page by Carol Spears
and my tablet is now recognized by Gimp (2.2), with the three devices
(stylus, eraser, and mouse).
However, I cannot manage to have a different behavior for these three
devices. In the Devices dialog, only the "Core Pointer" entry seems to
be active (with a triangle in front of it). In the dialog get from
Toolbox -> Files -> Preferences -> Input Devices, I don't understand
what is the meaning of "Axes", "Keys", and all these numbers. The
tutorial by Carol Spears stops just before describing this. The Gimp
user manual does not describe this at all.
Who could help me? If I can manage to understand the whole thing, I
could write the corresponding section in the User manual.
By the way, the use of the extra keys and pads of the tablet, as well as
of the extra buttons of the mouse, is not described anywhere, it seems.
It would be a pity to not be able to use them, since they clearly have
some ergonomic value.
Thanks in advance for any useful advice.