Using gimp-edit-copy / gimp-edit-paste
Hi, this seems like such an obvious question I can't help but feel like I am
missing something incredibly simple. I have a little programing experience and I
am trying to write a simple script to take slices out of a long panorama as
layers which I will then export as a GIF to give the impression of panning
across the scene.
I don't have not used python before. I can create the file for the layers and
can get a rectangular selection, but I don't seem to be able to copy from the
selection to the layers image.
At the moment I am running this via the Python-Fu console. The key parts of the
code are:
# Create 3x2 layer file
Stitch = pdb.gimp_image_new(Width, Height, RGB)
# Select and copy 3x2 slice and paste into layer file
Panorama = gimp.image_list()[0] # Previously opened panoramic image
pdb.gimp_image_select_rectangle(Panorama, 0, X, Y, Width, Height) # select
If I try "pdb.gimp_edit_copy(Panorama)" I get the message "wrong parameter
type". I have tried a number of things but don't seem to be getting anywhere.
Can anybody help?
Griff (via