A Surgeon' Knot Release date of 4/23/2020
William Lynes invites your attention to ASK
** A Surgeon's Knot Release Date 4/23/2020.
Jackson Cooper. MD will never forget that first day, its stunning conclusion forever etched in his mind. His year as a surgical intern is filled with medical suspense, tragedy, and often times terror, as this young physician deals with the world of surgery.
The surgeon’s knot is a surgical tie used in the operating room which the intern practices ceaselessly. The knot refers, as well, to the tangled world of the protagonist.
Jackson’s life soon becomes burned-out, resulting from events beyond his control as well as destructive behavior. Physicians, patients, and cases ranging from humorous to tragic are present. A Surgeon’s Knot is a story of the dignity of medicine, the overwhelming duty to man, failure and recovery.
ASK will release April 232,2020 by Black Rose Writing of Texas.
William Lynes, MD. https://gmail.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=11864e9728bdb24e2b0182fbe&id=73b890a975&e=f657256159. Subscribe to email notification (https://gmail.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=11864e9728bdb24e2b0182fbe&id=0fca29852c&e=f657256159)
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