Custom Font Loading questions
Hey folks. Newish to Gimp and trying to load a custom Font family (Geomanist) that I'm having some problems with. Can anyone explain how GIMP names custom fonts being loaded. I'm seeing some fonts loading but GIMP renames the original font name (I've used Font Forge to find all the font info for each font) and choses its own name. For example one font if named "Ultra" with a weight of 900 (Black according to Font Forge) and GIMP names it Heavy, even though there is a "Heavy" font it already named called Geomanist Black, that also has the same weight as Ultra in the font family, so I end up with two. Another example is there is a font named "Thin" at a Weight Class of 250 but when opened in Font Forge 250 isn't an option only 200 (Extra Light) and another font called Geomanist "Light" which in Font Forge is a weight of 300 (Light) and GIMP loads both of these fonts but sadly names them both "Light" so I end up with several font options called "Light" in GIMP even though GIMP loads them correctly (weight, shape etc) it just grabs and duplicates the font name.
So technically i have all the fonts in the family loading its just i see duplicate names for some and its hard to distinguish which is which. I tested a work around by changing the problematic fonts in the family to have a different family name (and I changed their font names) but GIMP still changes the name in the same way. So with "Ultra" it still loads with font name of "Heavy".
So where is GIMP pulling these names "Heavy" from? "Light" "Medium" etc? Font Forge under OS/2 weight classes shows 9 classes - none of them are "Heavy" but also none of them are "Ultra" as the Geomanist author has named it. Does the assigned Weight class by the author even have anything to do with what GIMP does in terms of naming?
Anyone have some insights. Ultimately I'd just like the font that GIMP loads to load with the specific font names the author has assigned (if I'm confirmed these names correctly in Font Forge. Thanks in advance!! (took a pic of font book, and ultra and black named Geomanist fonts I mentioned above (opened in Font Forge).