I'm just using a simple scaling script but sometime
resulting an image with a black vertical line on the
right edge. Cant be sure but it seems this usually
happens at the smaller size around 125 pixel or less
Maybe I'm not using the gimp-file-save options
This does NOT happen with the graphical interface! But
I need to do in batch mode.
I do not want to do too much outside of this script
environment. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The db browser doesnt sho the argument for
gimp-file-save beyond the filename:
1. Where or what doe the 1 0 0 0 "pouet" 0 1 0 1 do?
(gimp-file-save 1 theImage (car
(gimp-image-active-drawable theImage)) "'$mdFile'"
"'$mdFile'" 1 0 0 0 "pouet" 0 1 0 1))
2. Why is there a dark/black edge on the right side
when scaling down?
Here is the script and the environment:
This is gimp in batch mode.
... code snipet to give you an idea. Not much more
other redundant condition to scale down to preset
gimp -i -b '(begin
(set! theImage (car (gimp-file-load 1 "'$inFile'"
;test it
(set! imgw (car (gimp-image-width theImage)))
(set! imgh (car (gimp-image-height theImage)))
(set! nwidth imgw)
(set! nheight imgh)
(cond ((not (equal? "'$lgFile'" ""))
(set! mxw 1280)
(set! mxh 1024)
(cond ((or (> imgw mxw) (> imgh mxh))
(set! sratio (min (/ mxw imgw) (/ mxh imgh)))
(set! nwidth (* imgw sratio))
(set! nheight (* imgh sratio))
(gimp-image-scale theImage nwidth nheight)))
(gimp-file-save 1 theImage (car
(gimp-image-active-drawable theImage)) "'$lgFile'"
"'$lgFile'" 1 0 0 0 "pouet" 0 1 0 1)))
(cond ((not (equal? "'$mdFile'" ""))
(set! mxw 320)
(set! mxh 240)
(cond ((or (> imgw mxw) (> imgh mxh))
(set! sratio (min (/ mxw imgw) (/ mxh imgh)))
(set! nwidth (* imgw sratio))
(set! nheight (* imgh sratio))
(gimp-image-scale theImage nwidth nheight)))
(gimp-file-save 1 theImage (car
(gimp-image-active-drawable theImage)) "'$mdFile'"
"'$mdFile'" 1 0 0 0 "pouet" 0 1 0 1)))
fedora 3
end of info
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