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Rays effect

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Rays effect GR Kumaran 29 Mar 02:51
  Rays effect timmy 29 Mar 03:59
  Rays effect Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris 29 Mar 05:50
Rays effect Timothy E. Jedlicka - wrk 30 Mar 07:43
GR Kumaran
2005-03-29 02:51:24 UTC (almost 20 years ago)

Rays effect


How to create light rays effect with GIMP? These rays are something like the rays reach the ground under the clouds, background light and that penetrate through the hole, ...

I had walked through the web for some guidance/tutorial for this, but not yet found. So I hope someone is here to help.

Thanks in advance.

R. Kumaran India

2005-03-29 03:59:35 UTC (almost 20 years ago)

Rays effect

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 06:21:24 +0530, GR Kumaran wrote:


How to create light rays effect with GIMP? These rays are something like the rays reach the ground under the clouds, background light and that penetrate through the hole, ...

I had walked through the web for some guidance/tutorial for this, but not yet found. So I hope someone is here to help.

Thanks in advance.

R. Kumaran India

Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris
2005-03-29 05:50:12 UTC (almost 20 years ago)

Rays effect

On Monday 28 March 2005 21:51, GR Kumaran wrote:


How to create light rays effect with GIMP? These rays are something like the rays reach the ground under the clouds, background light and that penetrate through the hole, ...

I had walked through the web for some guidance/tutorial for this, but not yet found. So I hope someone is here to help.

Thanks in advance.

R. Kumaran India


I played a little, and got something that, while not photorealistic, is beautifull :-)

1) Create a new scratch layer. Paint in it your hole dimensions. 2) Create another scratch layer, draw straight lines coming from the hole in the direction you want your rays - these should be almost parallel, spreading a bit to your taste. Draw these with the paintbrush (hold shift to draw straight lines), with varying brush widths and varying opacities,
3) Select script-fu -> shadow-> drop shadow on the layer with these lines - select the yellow as color, and a blur radius of about 30. (und unset the cursed "allow resizing" button) 4) turn off the view of both scratch layers, and fine tune your result varying opacity on the final layer.

If you want a photorealistic result - you will have to use POVray for that.



Timothy E. Jedlicka - wrk
2005-03-30 07:43:15 UTC (almost 20 years ago)

Rays effect

It sounds like you're describing what is commonly known as "godbeams". John Woods has several very good Photoshop tutorials online - most can be easily adapted to The Gimp. Check out this link and look for the godbeams tutorial: -----
Timothy Jedlicka,, 1-630-713-4436, AOL-IM=tjbonzo Network Entomologist, Lucent Technologies, LWS NOVE Lab Operations