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ACTION REQUIRED: Windows 10 Microsoft Evergreen v17.09 compatibility for *GNU Image Manipulation Program /2.8.20*

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ACTION REQUIRED: Windows 10 Microsoft Evergreen v17.09 compatibility for *GNU Image Manipulation Program /2.8.20* UK, ITS Software Asset Management (UK - London) 10 Apr 15:49
UK, ITS Software Asset Management (UK - London)
2018-04-10 15:49:51 UTC (almost 7 years ago)

ACTION REQUIRED: Windows 10 Microsoft Evergreen v17.09 compatibility for *GNU Image Manipulation Program /2.8.20*


We are contacting you as reseller/ manufacturer of the above software. Please can you check and confirm that the current GNU Image Manipulation Program/ 2.8.20 will be compatible with Windows 10 release v17.09?

Why do we need to do this?

The software/app has been tested on Windows 10 v16.07, however, Microsoft are changing their release approach to Windows 10 v17.09 from the end of April. We need to ensure that your software/app is compatible with v17.09.

As I am sure you are aware Microsoft have changed their approach and will update on a six month to annual basis.

What do you need to do?

Firstly please can you confirm if the above specified application is compatible with the specific release v17.09?

Secondly can you also provide a list of ALL your applications and versions which are compatible with which Win 10 specific releases so we know for now and the future?

Thirdly if the application/ version in the subject title is not compatible please can you confirm what options we have for our users, for example:

• Can we upgrade to a new version? If, so what version/build? • No option, the software application is retired and will not work on v17.09 • The software application may work on future releases after v17.09? • Any other useful information or recommendations to improve user experience and limit impact?

Kind regards,

Syed Windows 10/ Evergreen Software Asset Management Team

Deloitte LLP


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