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UI is resetting every time I close GIMP

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UI is resetting every time I close GIMP Selarono 05 Mar 22:21
  UI is resetting every time I close GIMP rich404 06 Mar 12:46
   UI is resetting every time I close GIMP Selarono 06 Mar 21:45
2018-03-05 22:21:27 UTC (about 7 years ago)

UI is resetting every time I close GIMP

Recently my GIMP UI has been resetting todefault each time I close it. I don't close it often, but sometimes my computer likes to restart on its own or it dies if Im not paying close enough attention. It has done this to me a couple times in the past, but when I fixed the UI it was fine again. This time, even though I have reset the UI to my liking, it is still reverting to default when it is closed. I have searched for solutions, but all I can find are people asking how to reset their UI to default, not how to keep it from doing it on its own.

I am using GIMP 2.8.22 on an ASUS RoG laptop running Windows 10 home edition.

2018-03-06 12:46:40 UTC (about 7 years ago)

UI is resetting every time I close GIMP

Recently my GIMP UI has been resetting todefault each time I close it. I don't close it often, but sometimes my computer likes to restart on its own or it dies if Im not paying close enough attention. It has done this to me a couple times in the past, but when I fixed the UI it was fine again. This time, even though I have reset the UI to my liking, it is still reverting to default when it is closed. I have searched for solutions, but all I can find are people asking how to reset their UI to default, not how to keep it from doing it on its own.

I am using GIMP 2.8.22 on an ASUS RoG laptop running Windows 10 home edition.

Have you checked in Edit -> Preferences to see the status of two settings

1. Window Positions.

As you already do, set up Gimp the way you want it, single window mode, position of docks, the active dock, just the way you want it on a restart.

In Edit -> Preferences -> Window management uncheck (if it is checked) Save Window Positions on Exit then click on Save Window Positions Now.

OK that, shut Gimp down, restart and see it it makes any difference.

2. Tool Options

If you want to, a similar procedure. Set up everything the way you want Gimp to start, font, font size, brush & size, finish of with the active tool you want. Untick Save on exit, click on Save Tool Options now, OK and restart.

If that is not the problem, then something weird with your Windows installation.


2018-03-06 21:45:14 UTC (about 7 years ago)

UI is resetting every time I close GIMP

Have you checked in Edit -> Preferences to see the status of two settings

1. Window Positions.

As you already do, set up Gimp the way you want it, single window mode, position of docks, the active dock, just the way you want it on a restart.

In Edit -> Preferences -> Window management uncheck (if it is checked) Save Window Positions on Exit then click on Save Window Positions Now.

OK that, shut Gimp down, restart and see it it makes any difference.

2. Tool Options

If you want to, a similar procedure. Set up everything the way you want Gimp to start, font, font size, brush & size, finish of with the active tool you want. Untick Save on exit, click on Save Tool Options now, OK and restart.

If that is not the problem, then something weird with your Windows installation.


The first worked, for now! I dont know why it does this every now and then. I never even knew that choice was there, so I didnt change it. At least now I know how to fix it. Thank you. Have one more question now lol. Will be posting again.