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How to process photos that center exactly on photo paper standard sizes.

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2017-11-04 05:01:56 UTC (over 7 years ago)

How to process photos that center exactly on photo paper standard sizes.

This has been going on forever, so I'm begging someone to help me. A year or so ago I tried gimp which seemed to work wonderfully. Suddenly the beast was released and I was no longer able to print a photo file that matched a standard piece of photo paper. It would print smaller or off center in a corner. I got so frustrated I gave up on gimp. Just recently I downloaded the current edition. But whoops, same problem. This must be a concern for a number of users because it is all over the internet. Darn, l think I've tried all the suggestions without getting any thing to work.

Here is what I'm looking to do. Take a picture with my digital camera. Save the picture from the camera to my desktop and open it in gimp. Set it up to print on a 4x6 piece of photo paper. That's it. Nothing fancy. I just want to print from the camera and come out on borderless paper, just like one of the machines in Walgreens. I can work a lot of the other tools, but I need to start with just getting a reasonable picture to print correctly on the photo paper.

Any easy advice?

2017-11-06 04:11:33 UTC (over 7 years ago)

How to process photos that center exactly on photo paper standard sizes.

Apparently, no one on the internet knows the answer to this, nor does anyone on this board..

2017-11-06 10:43:31 UTC (over 7 years ago)

How to process photos that center exactly on photo paper standard sizes.

Apparently, no one on the internet knows the answer to this, nor does anyone on this board..

Not that, just that there is not a definitive answer. I use linux, Gimp 2.8.22, the gutenprint plugin and a Brother inkjet.

Not a problem at all, any size, anywhere on the paper, borderless with the qualification of a small border required to feed the paper through.

When it comes to Windows. Half the settings come from the Windows printer driver, nothing to do with Gimp. On the other hand, the Gimp side fails. I recall a post not so long ago where this was acknowledged, but no volunteer there to fix what is a Windows problem.

The solution has been given many times over, do not use Gimp for printing. Use some other application, maybe XnView or IrfanView or even the default Windows application might do it.

Steve Kinney
2017-11-06 18:44:51 UTC (over 7 years ago)

How to process photos that center exactly on photo paper standard sizes.

On 11/05/2017 11:11 PM, Notarobot wrote:

Apparently, no one on the internet knows the answer to this, nor does anyone on this board..

Don't give up on us quite yet. :)

For print applications the general rule is to make finished image files 300 DPI @ whatever size the finished product will be, to assure clean clear results. Example: A finished image for print that is 3" x 5" should be 900 x 1500 pixels. In some cases you will be able to get acceptable results at lower resolution - for instance images for use in word processing documents are often made @ 150 DPI.

To position your images on the page for printing, don't use the GIMP. Judging by what I have read on the list, GIMP print settings work on some systems but not others, and when it does not the problem involves print drivers or etc. that are beyond the GIMP's control. I suspect that this issue gets low priority, because most GIMP users either aren't making images for print purposes, or use a desktop publishing application for page layout.

Try Scribus, a free desktop publishing application. Create a document with the page size you will be printing on, import your processed photo and put it wherever you want on the page. When you get it "just right" save that file (you can use it as a template for quick e-z processing of other photos the same size), then export the file into PDF format. Print from the PDF file and viola, reliable results from any printer.

Scribus produces results accurate enough to print on label sheets, where the tolerance for size and position is a millimeter or so.


Steve Kinney
2017-11-06 18:50:39 UTC (over 7 years ago)

How to process photos that center exactly on photo paper standard sizes.

On 11/06/2017 01:44 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:

On 11/05/2017 11:11 PM, Notarobot wrote:

Apparently, no one on the internet knows the answer to this, nor does anyone on this board..

Don't give up on us quite yet. :)

For print applications the general rule is to make finished image files 300 DPI @ whatever size the finished product will be, to assure clean clear results. Example: A finished image for print that is 3" x 5" should be 900 x 1500 pixels. In some cases you will be able to get acceptable results at lower resolution - for instance images for use in word processing documents are often made @ 150 DPI.

I forgot to mention: Export your images for print in PNG format. This gives you /reasonably/ small files with no loss of resolution. Other compressed formats like JPG are "lossy" and introduce noise into the image, even at a "100%" quality setting.


Michael Schumacher
2017-11-06 18:51:44 UTC (over 7 years ago)

How to process photos that center exactly on photo paper standard sizes.

On 11/06/2017 07:44 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:

Judging by what I have read on the list, GIMP print settings work on some systems but not others, and when it does not the problem involves print drivers or etc. that are beyond the GIMP's control.

No, we are actually quite sure that much of the code in GIMP and GTK+ can be improved to make printing on the Microsoft Windows platform much better.

This takes someone with developer-level knowledge of using the Windows printing API from C code (or the motivation to learn a lot), and it seems like the Windows platform doesn't encourage users to get this level of knowledge.

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD
Kevin Cozens
2017-11-06 19:54:04 UTC (over 7 years ago)

How to process photos that center exactly on photo paper standard sizes.

On 2017-11-05 11:11 PM, Notarobot wrote:

Apparently, no one on the internet knows the answer to this, nor does anyone on this board..

It must be a Windows specific issue. I just created an image, clicked Print, then Print Preview and found the preview showing me that the image was fully centered on the page.

For Windows, if you can determine the offset you need to get the image centered on a page you can add a transparent background layer that would put the image in the right place for it to appear centered.

The other option is to pull the image in to something like Inkscape or a word processing program where you can position and size the image as needed to have it appear on the printed page where you want it.


Kevin.           |"Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172      | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
                                 | powerful!"
#include  |             --Chris Hardwick