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Copy text layers as text or python script to mass generate text layers

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Copy text layers as text or python script to mass generate text layers Scott Jacobs via gimp-user-list 26 Sep 01:36
  Copy text layers as text or python script to mass generate text layers The Tick 26 Sep 01:58
   Copy text layers as text or python script to mass generate text layers Ofnuts 26 Sep 12:56
Scott Jacobs via gimp-user-list
2017-09-26 01:36:23 UTC (over 7 years ago)

Copy text layers as text or python script to mass generate text layers

I want to merge two images

I am first assuming that you wish to create a third image that is the merging of the two original images, NOT that you wish to alter one of the images to add the other image's layers. (rather dangerous, in case of mistakes; with a third image, one still has the original two intact images with which to start over).

I found that an edit->copy does not copy a text layer -- it makes it an image layer.

Maybe I am missing something, but why do you not just drag-n-drop the desired layer to the new image? I just File->New 'd two images, created a text layer in one, and drag-n-drop 'd it into the other. The first image's layer was intact, and the second image now had a new layer that was a duplicate of

the first image's layer - was definitely a text layer, as I was able to then text-edit it.

Perhaps there are so many layers that you feel you need to have a script to automate it. I have not done scripting in GIMP, but I suppose there is some command to take a layer from one image and copy it to another, which one could then just place in a command loop to iterate over all the text layers...

Others would have to address that point.

The Tick
2017-09-26 01:58:55 UTC (over 7 years ago)

Copy text layers as text or python script to mass generate text layers

On 9/25/2017 8:36 PM, Scott Jacobs via gimp-user-list wrote:

Maybe I am missing something, but why do you not just drag-n-drop the desired layer to the new image? I just File->New 'd two images, created a text layer in one, and drag-n-drop 'd it into the other. The first image's layer was intact, and the second image now had a new layer that was a duplicate of

the first image's layer - was definitely a text layer, as I was able to then text-edit it.

That never occurred to me -- I'll try it asap.

2017-09-26 12:56:42 UTC (over 7 years ago)

Copy text layers as text or python script to mass generate text layers

On 09/26/17 03:58, The Tick wrote:

On 9/25/2017 8:36 PM, Scott Jacobs via gimp-user-list wrote:

Maybe I am missing something, but why do you not just drag-n-drop the desired layer to the new image?
I just File->New 'd two images, created a text layer in one, and drag-n-drop 'd it into the other.
The first image's layer was intact, and the second image now had a new layer that was a duplicate of

the first image's layer - was definitely a text layer, as I was able to then text-edit it.

That never occurred to me -- I'll try it asap.

Yes, you can drag/drop layers across images. You can also make an image with only the required layers, save to xCF, and loading it using "File>Open as layers" in the target image.