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undo scissors point

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undo scissors point Gert Cuykens 13 Jan 19:59
200501131708.33988.gwidion@... 07 Oct 20:16
  undo scissors point Gert Cuykens 13 Jan 20:22
   undo scissors point Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris 13 Jan 20:56
    undo scissors point Gert Cuykens 14 Jan 16:26
Gert Cuykens
2005-01-13 19:59:40 UTC (about 20 years ago)

undo scissors point

How do you undo a scissors point ?

i tryed ctrl+shift but the sissosor point doesnt go away.

PS How do you select a part of a image for example a window of a car ?

Gert Cuykens
2005-01-13 20:22:39 UTC (about 20 years ago)

undo scissors point

You don't.

The scissors tool needs to be rewritten, and it's interface is from ancient times. You can move scissor points, but not undo them - just switch to another tool and back to scissors to start over.

I'd advice you to use the Path tool instead - It will be good to select an object like a car window even.

Moreover, paths are re-usable - just check the "Paths" dialog, which by default is on the third tab on the same place were is your layers dialog.

I am trying to select a character on a bike from a image and it has alot of shape variations in it ?

How would you select complicated objects from a image ?

Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris
2005-01-13 20:56:58 UTC (about 20 years ago)

undo scissors point

On Thursday 13 January 2005 17:22, Gert Cuykens wrote:

I am trying to select a character on a bike from a image and it has alot of shape variations in it ?

How would you select complicated objects from a image ?

Depending on the image, a variety of techniches might be tried, in order to achieve the fastest or best results.

Using the scissors tool for starting, and later retouching it with the Free Select tool in add and subtract modes is an option. But you could find it is better to retouch the selection using the quickmask (click on the small square to the left of the horizontal scroll bar = doing this you will be able to 'paint' on the selection with any paint tool.


JS ->

Gert Cuykens
2005-01-14 16:26:51 UTC (about 20 years ago)

undo scissors point

ok thx i will try that