Why not allow the name to be configurable?
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87y8g3moph.fsf@gimp.org | 07 Oct 20:16 | |
Why not allow the name to be configurable? | Alan Horkan | 13 Dec 14:38 |
Pine.BSF.4.58L0.04121215281... | 07 Oct 20:16 | |
1102894690.13750.70.camel@b... | 07 Oct 20:16 | |
Why not allow the name to be configurable? | Gezim Hoxha | 14 Dec 09:17 |
Why not allow the name to be configurable?
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 18:05:46 +0100 From: Sven Neumann
To: Alan Horkan
Cc: gimp-users@lists.xcf.berkeley.edu, gimp-developer@lists.xcf.berkeley.edu Subject: Re: [Gimp-developer] Why not allow the name to be configurable?Hi,
Alan Horkan writes:
I have to ask why reject such patches?
Because IMO the name is important. If we allow the name to be changed easily, our users will not any longer know what software they are using.
Contributors will be lost because they will look for the "Foo" project instead of the GIMP project.
(Sven I know you understand what I'm saying but other do not seem to get exactly what I'm asking) To make myself as clear as I possibly can I'm not asking for the project to change its name but to accept patches that allow others to rebrand the gimp if they want.
It would also make it way too easy for anyone who wants to make some quick money out of The GIMP.
This has happened already, people already package and sell the gimp and their failure to provide adequate support has hurt the gimp brand. If it was easier for them to rebrand it would be reasonable to expect them to do so and make it clear that their product is not officially endorsed by the gimp project.
(I'm referring to this widely reported incident of a Mac user who paid for the gimp and got no service from the vendors and as a result was excessively critical. http://www.wpdfd.com/editorial/wpd0504review.htm )
We must not allow people to change the name by means of a simple configure option and let them benefit from our hard work.
First of all thank you for providing a clear explanation. If the issue comes up again users wont be left in any doubt of how things stand and I can direct them to your comments. I will add this to the wiki, as I think it has been asked enough to be considered a Frequently Asked Question.
Free Software already allows them to do exactly the kinds of changes you would rather not allow people to make. Despite the fact that it it might happen anyway I can understand that you dont want to make it easy.
You are in the lead developer in charge and can do anything you want and I certainly wouldn't expect you to make the changes but I'd feel a lot better if you gave a good reason to reject patches that would make it easier to get more people to use Free Software?
I seriously doubt that the name is effectively keeping GIMP from being used. I am all happy to ignore the very few people who are so narrow-minded as to having a problem with the name.
I'd rather see more people use Free Software.
I'm disappointed that people here do not seem to understand or accept that some people (and it seems only to be a small minority of native English speakers in particular) have issue with the name and that their concersns are being dismissed as as some sort of narrow minded political correctness. I dont believe the complaints will go away but as you are happy to ignore the complaints I'll accept that and when I've responded to the messages in this thread I will try not to bring the issue up again.
If a project as big as Mozilla Firefox allows it name to be changed,
why would it be an issue for the gimp?
For Firefox having the name configurable is part of the business plan. I can't find any such note in the GIMP's business plan. Heck, I can't even find the plan.
I think it is a shame there is not a clear plan for the gimp and I think it would be a very good thing if there was a plan and efforts made to commericalise the gimp to allow developers like yourself (or others) to get better rewarded for the work you do improving the gimp.
Why require people to fork or maintain their own patchsets for the sake of a little extra configurability.
So that it becomes harder for them to do this. And if they really think it's worth all the hassle, well, then they can do it.
I suppose it is reasonable to draw the line somewhere.
Thanks again for making a clear decision and explaining it.
Alan Horkan. http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/
Why not allow the name to be configurable?
On Sun, 2004-12-12 at 17:38 -0600, Michael J. Hammel wrote:
The GIMP *is* a silly name and I've always had a problem with it. In the US (perhaps elsewhere) "gimp" implies "hobbled" or "broken": "His gimp leg kept him from running the race" or "Her gimp hand prevented her from reaching the jar on the top shelf". See this definition: http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn?stage=1&word=gimp It doesn't have to imply a guy strapped in leather just because of a movie. The word itself is inappropriate for software if you're trying to feed it to the unwashed masses. I said this when GIMP was chosen as a name back when it moved from Motif to GTK (though I'd be hard pressed to find the mailing list entry that proves this). But no one listened, or at least they didn't agree, then. And that's okay. It really isn't that big a deal. It probably isn't keeping that many people from using it. But it is a silly name. And I have wished for years that it would be changed to something more inviting.
I couldn't agree more (and that movie you're referring to I haven't even seen), but if the masses don't want it changed (which is the impression I got from the last thread asking the opinion of a name change) then don't change it. It's that simple. And if we won't change it then don't let anyone change it, because I've come to realize that giving [dump] people choices will hurt them. Even if it was up the the user to call the GIMP something else (say ImageBlah), would you actually tell your friend "I'm using ImageBlah" ...? I certainly would not, because they go to google and imageblah doesn't exist !!! So that's why I think the decision has to be collective. All or none.